- The essence of all good strategy is simplicity. 一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。
- He is an expert in military strategy. 他是军事战略专家。
- She simplified the instructions so that the children could understand them. 她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。
- simplified strategy 简化策略
- A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy. 一笔利润收入; 一套赢利的市场策略
- The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance. 这一策略旨在逐步削弱敌人的抵抗力。
- The working process should be simplified. 工作程序应该简化。
- I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation. 我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。
- The application forms have now been simplified. 申请表格现已简化了。
- Why not choose some simplified story-books? 为什么不选一些简写的故事书呢?
- So you can see the simplified reflection. 嗯,您可以看到简化的反射。
- This problem can be simplified by analogy. 这个问题通过类推能够简化。
- Give me a broad idea of your new strategy. 请给我概述一下你的新计划。
- Introduction: Simplified version of the air hockey. 简化版本的空中曲棍球。
- By careful strategy he managed to push the proposal through. 通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。
- By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise. 她精心策画後,谈妥了大幅增加工资的事。
- This simplified block diagram is valuable. 这个简化了的框图很有用。
- The story has been simplified by Mr Wang. 这故事已由王先生简化了。
- The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation. 政府采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略。
- The operation has been simplified. 操作亦简化。