- We carefully explained our very simple accounting system to him but in a few minutes he's got everything bogged up. 我们把极简单的会计制度向他详细解释了一番,但是过了几分钟,他就什么都搞乱了。
- He isn't a trained accountant, but he manages to keep simple accounts. 他没有学过会计,但还能凑合着记记账。
- Building Family Simple Accounting System 构筑家庭简易会计框架
- The simple account check of customer asset 顾客资产的简单会计核算
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- He had a little office in the place, set off in polished cherry and grill-work, where he kept, in a roll-top desk, the rather simple accounts of the place-- supplies ordered and needed. 在这个酒家,他有一个小办公室,是用抛光的樱桃木和花格架隔出的小间。 里面有一张翻盖写字桌,保存着酒店的简单账目,不外乎是已订购或还需订购的食物和杂品。
- When Lim quit school at 15, he could read a newspaper, write a letter, keep simple accounts, recite the letters of the English alphabet and one or two common words or phrases, nothing more. 到林15岁辍学时,他能读读报纸,写写信,记一些简单的数字,背英文字母表,记一两个常用英语单词或短句,仅此而已。
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。
- A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机。
- I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜欢朴素但漂亮雅致的衣服。
- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我认为这个问题非常简单明白。
- My father was a simple farm-worker. 我父亲是个普通的农民。
- Two from five is a simple subtraction. 五减二是简单的减法。
- They are just simple country folk. 他们只不过是普通的村民。
- I have a simple and easy method. 我有个简易的方法。
- He is simple about money matters. 他对于金钱的问题是无知的。
- She doesn't understand you. She's a bit simple. 她不明白你的意思。她有点笨。
- Clothes of simple style are all the cry. 简单款式的衣服很流行。
- I'm not so simple as to think it will be easy. 我决不致于笨得以为那是容易的事。
- Monks are leading simple, austere lives. 僧侣们过着清苦的生活。