- Learning the specific set of vocabulary words that pertain to one's business becomes a simple task. 学习和自己行业有关的这组特殊字汇成为一件简单的工作。
- She was easily buffaloed by the simple task. 那个简单的任务就把她吓倒了。
- He likes to make heavy weather of the simplest task. 他喜欢把最简单的工作都弄得像很难对付似的。
- He asked me to perform a simple task on the computer. 他让我在电脑上完成一个简单的任务。
- Implementing one of those models, though, is not a simple task. 但是,实现这些模型并不是一件简单的任务。
- Boredom of workers may stem from continuously having to perform a simple task. 感到厌倦的工人是由于持续地操作一项单一的工作。
- Buying a major electrical appliance is no longer the simple task it used to be. 买大件电器不像过去那样简单了。
- Although this get along sound like a simple task, great care is needed. 尽管这听起来觉得挺简单,但是需要投入巨大的关怀。
- So far, you ve seen only simple tasks. 到目前为止,您只看到了简单的任务。
- A simple task, such as showing a video file, and some basic console application code can look like the following. 简单任务(如显示视频文件)以及一些基本的控制台应用程序代码如下所示
- The simple task is not simple do a good job, all employees of the company I work credo. 把简单的工作做好就是不简单,是我公司全体员工的做事信条。
- So running appears to be a more simple task to robots in people's mind, but it isn't. 所以在人们看来,奔跑对机器人更应该是一个很简单的任务,但事实并非如此。
- Think about the last timeyou went to a coffee shop. Ordering yourcoffee should've been a simple task, but it probably required at least four decisions. 回想你上次去咖啡店的情形。点咖啡本应易如反掌,但可能至少需要下四个决定。
- This also tends to simplify error-handling of each task considerably, as each processing step is only doing one simple task. 由于每个处理步骤只完成一项简单的任务,因而也将极大简化了每个任务的错误处理。
- This is a simple task to administer because it lets you to link in only those objects that are actually referred to at some point in the program. 对管理员来说,这是一项简单的任务,因为它允许您对只在程序中的某个位置上实际引用的那些对象进行链接。
- Once you ve successfully completed the map analysis, it is a simple task to write the corresponding XI rules and XSLT stylesheet. 一旦成功完成了映射分析,编写相应的XI规则和XSLT样式表就很简单了。
- Protection for these isolated systems has been a relatively simple task, which is carried out using over current directional relays with selectivity. 采用具有选择性的过电流方向继电器,对这种相互分隔直流系统的保护相对就简单。
- Far from being a simple task, SEO employs a combination of techniques that allow you to dominate search engine result pages. 远远不是一个简单的任务,采用搜索引擎优化的技巧,可以让你主宰搜索引擎结果页。
- Simple tasks get way out of hand as mix-ups and ness-ups start to multiply . 随着混乱不堪的局面持续下去,再简单的任务你也会难以控制。
- Picking up and dropping off JaJa is avery simple task requires many getting him dressed and undressed for the Polish fall weather. 接孩子的时候也是一样,打完招呼之后,换上外出的衣服和鞋子,就和爸爸一起回家。