- simple pinnate compound leaf 单出羽状复叶
- A leaflet or primary division of a pinnately compound leaf. (复叶的)羽片羽状复叶的小叶子或羽片部分
- Botany A leaflet or primary division of a pinnately compound leaf. (复叶的)羽片:羽状复叶的小叶子或羽片部分
- The pinnate division of a pinna in a bipinnately compound leaf, or the ultimate divisions of a leaf which is more than twice pinnately compound. 二回或二回以上羽状复叶的末级羽片。
- A main axis or shaft, such as the main stem of an inflorescence, the stalk of a pinnately compound leaf, or the spinal column. 花序轴主轴或主茎,如花序的总轴、掌状复叶的茎或螺旋状的柱
- Any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Lygodium, having a single pinnately compound leaf that climbs by twining, including L. palmatum of the eastern United States. 攀缘性蕨类:一种海金沙属陆生蕨类植物,长有单瓣的羽状复叶,通过缠绕而向上攀缘,包括美国东部的掌羽海金沙
- A perennial North American herb(Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 毒牛芹一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹),生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花
- Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genus Rosa, having prickly stems, pinnately compound leaves, and variously colored, often fragrant flowers. 蔷薇,玫瑰任一种蔷薇科属灌木或藤本植物,茎干多刺,有羽状复叶,花朵色泽繁多且气味芳香
- A perennial North American herb(Oxypolis rigidior)having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 毒牛芹一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹),生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花
- A perennial North American herb (Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 毒牛芹:一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹),生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花
- A Mediterranean perennial plant(Glycyrrhiza glabra) having blue flowers,pinnately compound leaves,and a sweet,distinctively flavored root. 洋甘草一种地中海地区的多年生植物(洋甘草甘草属),开蓝色花,羽状复叶,根甜并味道独特。
- A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens) of central North America,having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs. 灰毛紫穗槐一种生长于北美洲中部的落叶灌木(灰毛紫穗槐紫穗槐属),生有上面覆盖白色柔毛的羽状复叶
- A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens)of central North America, having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs. 灰毛紫穗槐一种生长于北美洲中部的落叶灌木(灰毛紫穗槐紫穗槐属),生有上面覆盖白色柔毛的羽状复叶
- An eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree(Ceratonia siliqua)in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and large, dark, leathery pods. 角豆树地中海东部地区一种豆科常青乔木(长角豆长角豆属),有羽状复叶和黑色坚韧的大豆荚
- A deciduous tree(Carya illinoinensis) of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts. 美洲山核桃树产于美国中部和南部的落叶树(美国山核桃山核桃属),具有很深皱纹的树皮,羽状复叶和可食用的坚果
- An eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree(Ceratonia siliqua)in the pea family,having pinnately compound leaves and large,dark,leathery pods. 角豆树地中海东部地区一种豆科常青乔木(长角豆长角豆属),有羽状复叶和黑色坚韧的大豆荚
- Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus,having pinnately compound leaves,slender tendrils,and variously colored flowers. 山黧豆属植物一种野豌豆属的草本植物,具有羽状复叶,细长的卷须和各种颜色的花朵
- Any of various perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Agrimonia,having pinnately compound leaves and spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers. 龙芽草,仙鹤草一种龙芽草属多年生草本植物,有羽状复叶和穗状的小黄花花簇
- A deciduous tree(Pistacia vera)of central and western Asia,having pinnately compound leaves and dry,drupaceous,nutlike fruits. 阿月浑子一种生长在亚洲中部和西部的落叶树(阿月浑子黄莲木属),长有羽状复叶和干燥、似坚果的有核果实
- A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens) of central North America, having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs. 灰毛紫穗槐一种生长于北美洲中部的落叶灌木(灰毛紫穗槐紫穗槐属),生有上面覆盖白色柔毛的羽状复叶