- simple loss function 简单损失函数
- Loss Function for larger is better, Smaller is better, and Nominal is better. 望大、望小、望目特性的损失函数。
- Conditional independence is usually assumed to derive CDO loss function due to its simplicity. 而对于倒帐相关性的假设通常分为条件独立与条件相关两种。
- Based on the analysis of run-length encoding method, it must be improved to ensure effectively compression for data. The improved method is called Simple Loss RLE method. 基于对传统行程编码方法的分析可知,必须对其进行一定改进才能保证对数据的有效压缩,改进后的编码方法可称为简单有损行程编码。
- The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use a quadratic loss function to compute the cost of a given process. 西格玛黑带应能使用二次品质损失函数来计算给定过程的成本。
- Based on the analysis of run-length encoding method, it must be improved to ensure effectively compression for data, which is called simple loss RLE method. 基于对传统行程编码方法的分析可知,必须对其进行一定改进才能保证对数据的有效压缩,改进后的编码方法可称为简单有损行程编码。
- KEYWORDS : process capability index, quality loss function, skewness correction, control chart. 关键字: 制程能力指标、品质损失函数、偏态校正、管制图。
- To activate stop loss function at the Stop Price, at which your shares will be sold at the market price but not lower than the Lowest Limit Price. 以止蚀价启动止蚀功能,股票将以当时市价沽出但不会低过最低限价。
- The algorithm solves nonlinear regression problems mainly through inductive-insensitive loss function and kernel function. 这里提出了核学习技术在储集层非均质特性描述中渗透率参数预测的新用途。
- In the valuation of CDO tranches, it is critical to model multiple default correlations and to derive the appropriate loss function. 损失函数涉及债权发行企业的倒帐相关性。
- This paper studies the determination of the optimal process mean of truncated normal distribution under the asymmetrical Taguchi's loss function. 本文讨论了在不对称田口质量损失函数下截尾正态分布的最优过程均值的确定问题。
- General admissibility of linear predictor of future observations in growth curve model under quadratic loss function is investigated. 摘要在二次损失情况下,研究一般增长曲线模型中未来观察值线性预测的泛容许性。
- We propose to use a discrete model with common shock for the derivation of CDO loss function, assuming conditional dependence. 为解决此问题,本文提出一个离散性共同因子模式,推导条件相关假设下的损失函数。
- We investigate the admissibility of the linear estimate of random regression coefficients under a matrix loss function in general growth curve models. 摘要本文在矩阵损失下研究了一般增长曲线模型中随机回归系数线性估计的可容许性。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Aiming at the different loss by error judge in fault diagnosis, the fuzzy membership based on the loss function is defined and optimal hyperplane is modified. 针对故障诊断等问题中误判造成的损失不同这一特点,定义了基于损失函数的模糊隶属度,并得出了修正后的最优分类面。
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。
- In order to reduce the worn-out of the rudder mechanism, a weighted term on the rate of control signal is added into the loss function and a new algori-thm of self-tuning control for the course-keeping mode has been proposed. 为减小舵机机构的磨损;又引入控制信号变化率的约束项;导出了一种船舶航向保持自校正控制的新算法;最后对控制算法进行了数学仿真研究.
- Specially, we discuss the U-admissibility of several MRE estimators under different loss functions. 特别地,我们讨论了不同损失函数下的最小风险同变估计的U-容许性。
- A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机。