- A Simple growth model of ternary BCN compound is proposed in this paper. 提出了BCN三元化合物生长的简单模型.
- The concept is similar to that vision of generalized capital featured in simple growth models. 这一概念与简单增长模型所描述的一般资本的形象相似。
- The concept is similar to that vision of generalized capital featured in simple growth models 这一概念与简单增长模型所描述的一般资本的形象相似。
- A simple (though approximate) model of population growth is the Malthusian growth model. 一个简单的(虽然近似)模型的人口增长率是马尔萨斯的增长模式。
- Multistage DDM overcome the limitations of the Gordon growth model. 多阶段DDM模型克服了戈登成长模型的限制。
- Pouring temperature shows significant effect on the growth model of dendrite. 浇注温度对枝晶生长形貌影响较为显著,高温浇注易获得外生柱状枝晶;
- The third essay focuses on measures of inflation in Barro's growth model. 第三篇论文,侧重于分析巴罗增长模型中的通胀的度量。
- Growth models usually consider labor as homogeneous. 增长模型常常把劳动力视为同质的。
- In New Cambridge economic growth model, we induct a new variable, technology labor. 在新剑桥经济增长模型中,我们引入了技术劳动者这一新的变量。
- The Richard growth model is superior for describing the temporal dynamics for poplar bacterial canker disease. 冰核细菌溃疡病流行的时间动态以理查德生长模型为最优生长模型。
- ABBADB President Haruhiko Kuroda President told the opening session Asia needs to restructure its growth model. 亚洲开发银行行长黑田东彦在开幕式上提出亚洲应重建其经济增长模式。
- With the fast economic development, the risk the state has to be confronted with is that it turns to overheated from simple growth, to obvious inflationary from structural increasing on price. 但我国经济在快速发展的同时也面临着由偏快转向全面过热、物价由结构性上涨转向明显通货膨胀的风险。
- This paper reviews the recent developments of carbon nanotube ,especially in the prepara-tion methods and growth model. 综述了纳米碳管的研究发展,主要是纳米碳管的制备及其生长机理方面的新进展。
- This article presents a valuation model with failure probability based on Weston fixed growth model. 在威斯通固定增长模型的基础上,建立了考虑未来经营失败概率的估值模型;
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Third, one of the virtues of the Limits to Growth model is that it is critiqueable. 第三,“增长的极限”这个模型的优点之一,就在于它是可以被批评的。
- Its export-led growth model means when trade implodes, as at present, it is importing unemployment. 中国的出口导向型增长模式意味着,当全球贸易出现目前这种内爆时,中国就会进口失业。
- ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda told the opening session Asia needs to restructure its growth model. 亚行行长黑田东彦在会议开幕式上说,亚洲需要对自己的经济增长模式进行结构性调整。
- It is a stretch to say that China is poised to replace an equity-led growth model with a credit-led model. 那种称中国准备用由信贷引导的增长模式代替由股本引导的增长模式的说法,有些夸大其词。