- Note: The similarity coefficient is counted according to FD. Szymkiewicz′ s similarity index of genus. 注:表中相似系数是根据施姆凯维奇“属相似性指标”的计算方法计算。
- With Similarity Index, seemly dispatching schedules could be selected according to the internet situations at the time. 有了相似度指标,就可针对当时的网路状况选择较适合的派送排程;
- Suitability and properties of Similarity Index are also confirmed in this paper. 本论文亦证明了相似度指标的适用性与相关特性。
- But more genetic diversity existed between English and American strains of Trichoderma and the genetic similarity index was below 50% . 而与英国的木霉菌株遗传距离较远,遗传相似性低于50%25。
- In this paper, a Betweenness-centrality based approach, called Similarity Index, is proposed to distinguish the silhouette of mobile agents dispatching schedules. 在这篇论文中,我们以居间中心性发展出一相似度指标,藉以判别行动代理人派送排程的大致架构。
- This paper introduces a method which determinate the characteristic peak of IR through substructure searching, common substructure spreading, similarity index calculating. 采用子结构检索、公共子结构寻找和相似指数计算的方法研究了红外特征峰与对应子结构的相互关系。
- Using similar index may cause the incomparability of empirical results or deficiency in conclusions. 使用近似指标的替代只会造成经验研究结果的不可比性或结论的缺陷性。
- With similar index, model test’s results predicts antetype structure’s stress distribution. 把模型试验的结果按照相似指标推算出原型结构的应力分布。
- Based on four stages of Ariel image since 1959,and supported by ARC/INFO,the similarity index to circle (SIQ) and fractal dimension (D f) of all types of landscape patches in Guandishan forest region were analyzed in this paper. 以 195 9年以来 4期航片为基础资料 ,在ARC/INFO支持下 ,分析了关帝山天然次生林区森林恢复过程中各类景观要素斑块异圆指数和类斑边界分维数及其动态。
- Based on the average band number and the similarity index of Rf value in each ecotypes, 7 ecotypes can be subdivided into 3 groupes: A group (Aus and Bore), B groups (Gundil) and C group (Tjere, Aman, Bulu and Upland rice). 根据生态型间平均酶带数和Rf累积值相似性的测定;七个生态型的亲缘关系相似性可分为三群:1.;Aus、Boro; 2
- Bray-Curtis community similarity index is used to deal with the community similarity and cluster analysis. The result shows that Chitons community in rocky intertidal zone of the islands in south Zhejiang can be clustered into two types. 用Bray Curtis群落相似性系数聚类分析 ,浙南岛屿潮间带石鳖群落可聚为两大类型。
- Moreover, species with near homology relationship on evolution share the near codon usage frequency and preference index or the similar index. 在同源性方面,在进化上比较接近的物种,基因的密码子使用频率和使用偏性指标比较接近或基本相同。
- Since outputs of the master laser are antiphase for direct modulation and external modulation, the fluctuations of similarity index with modulation frequency for the two lasers are contrary. 由于内部、外部调制引起主激光器的输出反相,两种调制方式下同步品质随调制频率的变化趋势也相反。
- An inherent similarity between persons or things. 相似人或事物之间遗传上的相似之处
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。
- The index is at the back (of the book). 索引在(书的)末尾。
- His dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。
- A plantain is similar to a banana. 大蕉类似于香蕉。
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- A person's face is often an index of his mood. 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。