- Comparison of the two reveals both similarities and differences. 两者比较起来,有类似的部分,也有不同的部分。
- The similarities and differences between YR in MG and SH in H! M? 参演过的几部戏里,你觉得你扮演的角色的相似和不同之处是什么?
- A statement or estimate of similarities and differences. 相比相似性和差别的叙述或估计
- The similarities and differences between YR in MG and SH in H!M? 参演过的几部戏里,你觉得你扮演的角色的相似和不同之处是什么?
- Similarities and differences became comprehensible and explicable. 生物之间的差异和雷同得到解释,变得可以理解。
- Similarities and differences between machining ce nter and robot are discussed. 讨论了加工中心和机器人的功能和结构的同异。
- There will be similarities and differences between their reflections. 当中有一些相似之处,也有很多不同的地方。
- What are the similarities and differences between apples and oranges? 苹果和桔子有什么相同?有什么不同?
- This page will explain the similarities and differences between TCP and UDP. 本页将解释TCP和UDP间的相似和相异处。
- Topic: Similarities and differences between a bird and an aeroplane. 报告题目:比较鸟类与飞机的异同?
- He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals. 他在研究人和动物之间错综复杂的相似与不同之处。
- This paper expounds their similarities and differences through an incisive analysis. 本文力图通过评述,以辨清他们之间的异同。
- The Canadian experience and situation offers similarities and differences we can draw upon. 加拿大的经验和做法提供可以借鉴的共同点和差异。
- We are going to explore some of the similarities and differences between British and American English. 我们要探讨一下英国英语与美国英语的某些异同之处。
- Seeking to understand similarities and differences in customer groups across countries. 找出各国顾客群的相似和区别。
- If you compare American students with Chinese students, you'll find something interesting similarities and differences. 如果你那美国学生和中国学生相比,你会发现一些有趣的相同点和不同点。
- This essay analyses the similarities and differences between environmental history and Annals School from the perspective of humankind. 摘要环境史家与年鉴学派共同方面在于对“人”的角色及其活动的更新和丰富。
- What are the similarities and differences in the physiographical features between the UK and the US? 英国和美国在地形特征上有什么相同和不同点?
- This research reveals the similarities and differences of the biomarker in the soil and stalagmite. 本次研究初步显示了相对封闭稳定的洞穴沉积物与上覆土壤层中生物标志化合物的异同。
- Chapter three studies the reasons leading to the similarities and differences of Three Caos’ works. 第三章对三曹诗歌创作异同的形成原因作了研究。