- The harbour is slowly silting up. 港口正在慢慢地被淤泥堵塞。
- The sand have silt up the mouth of the river. 泥沙已把河口堵住了。
- The passage is entirely silted up. 水道完全被淤泥堵塞了。
- The old harbor is now all silted up. 旧港现在已完全被淤泥堵塞了。
- The pond on our neighbor's farm silted up. 我们邻居农场里的池塘淤塞了。
- The sand has silted up the mouth of the river. 泥沙已把河口堵住了。
- The harbor is now entirely silted up. 那港口现在已完全被淤泥所塞。
- More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries. 双边排他性贸易协定常常只能堵住商路的支流,而非主流。
- The harbour silted up a year ago. 该港口一年前就淤塞了。
- Improper development can lead to the silting up of reservoirs, shortening their lifespans. 集水区滥垦后,流失的沙土淤塞水库,将缩短水库寿命。
- It never stops and must run around the clock to prevent the river mouth from silting up. 澳大利亚有着雄厚的经济实力、资金充足的行政系统和健全的政治机构。
- Without a way to release most of this mud, the reservoir would silt up and possibly collapse. 工程师在大坝底部设计了23道闸门用于在汛期冲走泥沙。
- The sand has silted up the mouth of the river . 泥沙充塞了河口。
- Sand has silted up the river delta. 泥沙把这条河的三角洲淤塞了。
- And the ownership of shoaly land which silt up naturally should be determined according to the attaching rule. 自然淤积形成的滩涂所有权归属应该按附合规则确定。
- Opponents predict that the turbines will silt up and that the dams will produce only half the energy advertised. 而反对者们则预言,两个水坝的涡轮机将会被淤泥充塞,而其发电量仅为其宣传的一半。
- With the arrival of the Arabs (ca. 640), the harbor fell into disrepair and began to silt up. 随着阿拉伯人的到来(公元640年),海港陷入荒废,开始淤泥充塞。
- The harbor is being up with silt. 那海港被淤泥阻塞了。
- The drains got silted up again with mud and bits of twigs. 排水沟被淤泥和细枝堵塞了。
- The riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater. 河道淤塞,洪水无出路。