- The harbor is being up with silt. 那海港被淤泥阻塞了。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- Over time, though, silt and leaves had clogged the drain. 但是,时间久了,淤泥和树叶就会阻塞下水道。
- Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away. 拔掉塞子,把水放掉。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water off. 他们正在掘沟排水。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water away. 他们正在掘沟排水。
- The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain. 咖啡渣堵塞了厨房的排水道。
- The drain is blocked and needs unplugging. 排水管堵塞了,得疏通一下。
- The bathtub drain needs repairing. 浴盆的排水管需要修理。
- silt drain 淤泥泄出口
- All hands turned out to repair the terraces and drain the water. 所有劳动力都出来整修梯田,排除积水。
- A concrete wall is built to stop silt from leaking to the conservation land. 一道水泥墙修筑起来,用以防止泥沙流进保留地。
- The river was in those days choked up with silt. 那时候这条河被淤泥阻塞着。
- All of our best laid plans are down the drain. 我们所有精心布置的计划都付之东流
- A sewer or drain crossing under a road or embankment. 涵洞横在公路或堤岸下面的下水道或排水管
- Many rivers carry silt toward the equator. 许多河流带着泥沙流向赤道。
- If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain! 你要是中断大学的学习,你花的钱就会都付诸东流了。
- The channel is almost choked with silt. 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。
- Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources. 军费开支是国家资源的一大消耗。
- A concrete wall was built to stop silt from leaking to the conservation land. 一道水泥墙修筑起来,用以防止泥沙流进保留地。