- His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy. 他的最新作品是一部关于哲学的巨著。
- This magnum opus took ten years to complete. 这部巨著历时十年方始告成。
- Laozi's magnum opus , the Daodejing , is one of the most significant treatises in Chinese cosmogony . 老子的大作品 ,在Daodejing ,是其中一项最重要的论文中宇宙 。
- He spent overall twenty years in editing the magnum opus. 他花了整整二十年编辑那部巨着。
- Karl Marx's magnum opus" The Capital" includes abundant ideas of human capital. 马克思的巨著《资本论》中的有关理论包涵着丰富的人力资本思想。
- It is a magnum opus painting that takes ox as the theme in Chinese art history. 五牛图卷是中国美术史上以牛为题材的绘画代表作品。
- The Artiste.This game is an expression of my creative impulse, my magnum opus. 艺术家(极端自信,凭感觉做事)游戏是我创作灵感的表现,我的创意。
- How to increase the work efficiency of SVP measurement is significant work. 如何提高野外深海声速剖面测量工作效率是深海调查一项非常有意义的工作。
- "A General Reflection for Political Administration" is a magnum opus in Chinese historiography. 《资治通鉴》是中国史学上的一部鸿篇巨著。
- Aryabhatta's Magnum Opus, the Aryabhattiya was translated into Latin in the13 th century. 阿雅巴塔的巨著《阿雅巴提雅》在十三世纪的时候被翻译成拉丁文。
- Aryabhattas Magnum Opus, the Aryabhattiya was translated into Latin in the 13th century. 阿雅巴塔的巨著《阿雅巴提雅》在十三世纪的时候被翻译成拉丁文。
- With excellent combination and vivid performance of the actors, this is the magnum opus of Stephen Chow and the whole comedy movies sector. 各演员亦配合得宜,演绎得生鬼有趣,实在是周星驰的喜剧经典,甚至是喜剧界的代表作。
- The Great Wall is not only the magnum opus of human being but also the soul of China! 长城不仅是人类的伟大建筑工程更代表了中国人民的精神。
- No actual data buffer exists, and the members designed to manipulate such a buffer do no significant work. 并不存在实际的数据缓冲区,并且设计用于操作此类缓冲区的成员所做的工作也并不重要。
- Bhaskaracharya has also made references to it in his Magnum Opus Siddhanta-Shiromani. 巴卡拉萨雅也在巨著Siddhanta-Shiromani提及过。
- So applying the FDOD to infer the phylogeny of whole proteome microbial organisms is significant work. 因此,将FDOD方法应用于微生物系统发育分析是一项很有意义的工作。
- It might be beyond the ability of many to read through the magnum opus "Lunyu" or "Analects of Confucius" from cover to cover. 对于许多人来讲从头到尾读懂《论语》已经是十分困难了。
- The following contributors have done significant work editing the manual: Stig Bakken, Gabor Hojtsy, Hartmut Holzgraefe and Egon Schmid. 下列人员对本手册做出了重大的编辑工作:Stig Bakken,Gabor Hojtsy,Hartmut Holzgraefe和Egon Schmid。
- We are confident that the landscaped villas in Liuyuan Road will become a magnum opus of Suzhou garden villas partly because of its section and environment location and environs. 其中,由于留园路姑苏人家项目所处地域、人文环境非常好,公司有信心有能力将该项目塑造成为新一代苏州园林别墅的代表作品。
- D.Writers or artists can't do any significant work if they are not closely linked with masses, portrait them or serve them as loyal spokesmen. 一切文学家、艺术家只有联系群众;表现群众;把自己当作群众忠实的代言人;他们的工作才有意义.