- signalling safety system 信号安全系统
- Jinzhou Jinh eng Automotive Safety System Co., Ltd. 锦州锦恒汽车安全系统有限公司。
- Research on safety system for monitoring. 煤矿安全监测监控系统的研究。
- Safety system shall be sourced by the shipyard. 安全系统由船厂提供。
- According to the latest technology used in vehicles, signal, ticket examination and safety system, the author holds that UMT in China has been greatly improved. 论述了我国城市轨道交通在车辆、信号、检票和安全系统设备方面的最新技术,并说明我国现代城市轨道交通技术装备水平已有了质的飞跃。
- Interlocking Trackside safety system for trains running in stations. 联锁用于列车在车站运行的轨旁安全系统。
- FTA is one of the most important analysis methods in safety system engineering. FTA是安全系统工程中的重要分析方法之一。
- Kandel’s team turned that test on its head by using a sound [audio of a memorable sound] to signal safety. 坎德尔的团队逆向进行了这个试验,他们用声音[滴]表示安全。
- Has your safety system been assessed/audited by an independent party? 你的安全系统是否经独立机构评估(审查)?
- Currently, comprehensive control function of computer interlocking signal is one of the development trends in railway signal safety control technology in the world. 计算机联锁信号综合控制功能是当今世界铁路信号安全控制技术的发展方向。
- Assisting to examining, appraising the status of safety system and correcting improper performance. 协助调查、评估与完善安全体系的状态与绩效。
- The centre is one of the fewfully operational shore-based radio stations of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. 该处辖下的海上救援协调中心由受过专业训练的人员24小时当值,是全球海上遇险和安全系统少数设于岸上全面运作的无线电台之一。
- The country's Global Maritime Distress and Safety System has been put into operation. 中国全球海上遇险和安全系统投入运行。
- And should an accident be unavoidable, the intelligent safety system offers comprehensive protection to every occupant. 在无法避免的事故当中,智能安全系统会为每一位乘员提供全面的保护。
- Safety system: a complete safety system complying with CE standard. It assures safety of both machine and personnel. 安全系统:一套完整的符合ce标准的安全系统,保证设备及人员的安全。
- Research on next generation on-vehicle video navigation system and video based Initiative Safety System. 下一代车载视频导航及基于视频的汽车主动安全预警系统。
- Terminad port: As a portion of safety system, this port can connect camera or card reader. 自动识别接口:作为安防系统组成部分,该接口可与摄像头、读卡器连接,用于车辆的自动识别及放行。
- ESD( Emergency Shutdown Device) is a special safety system which develops in the ninties of the 20th century. 紧急停车系统ESD(Emergency Shutdown Device)是90年代发展起来的一种专用的安全保护设备。
- The safety system shall shut down the wind tur-bine and bring it into a safe condition. 如果保护装置检查到短路情况,则它们应该迅速响应,并同时触发安全系统。
- A slew of vehicle safety systems are being showcased by Mercedes-Benz. 一系列的车辆安全系统正在展出的奔驰。