- signaling data conformity 信令数据整合
- The Message Transfer Part,Level 1,is known as the physical signaling data link. 消息传送部分第1 级,就是大家所知道的信令数据链路。
- The paper introduces the GPS data conform to the NMEA0183 protocol and an example which uses VC++6.0 to design the GPS-computer communication application is provided. 本文首先介绍遵循NMEA0183协议的GPS数据,然后通过实例详细地介绍基于VC++6 0的计算机与GPS串口通信应用程序。
- A signaling data link is a full-duplex bi-directional,digital transmission channel used for signaling. 信令数据链路是信令专用的、全双工双向数字传输信道。
- A signaling data link is a full-duplex bi-directional, digital transmission channel used for signaling. 信令数据链路是信令专用的、全双工双向数字传输信道。
- The Message Transfer Part, Level 1, is known as the physical signaling data link. the消息传送部分,第1级,就是大家所知道的信令数据链路。
- SS7 signaling data links are capable of operating over terrestrial and satellite transmission links. SS7 信令数据链路可以在地球和卫星传输链路上进行操作。
- To construct the integrity mechanism of SS7 signaling system, to improve the integrity of the signaling data. 建构完整性检测机制,改善承载资料完整问题。
- The signaling terminal at each end of the signaling data link contains the MTP Level 2 functionality for transmitting and receiving SS7 messages. 信令数据链路两端的信令终端包含用于传输和接收 SS7 消息的、 MTP 第 2 级的功能。
- Describes data conformance checks that can be set on the XmlReader class. 描述可以在XmlReader类上设置的数据一致性检查。
- Document The XML data conforms to the rules for a well-formed XML 1.0 Document. XML数据符合格式正确的XML 1.;0文档适用的规则。
- 3) Isomerism spatial data conformity; 3)异构空间数据整合;
- Because CCS receive signal data from CATS(CHENGDU AIR TRAFFIC SYSTEM) and relate to DRS, there is intersection between them. 由于雷达模拟机管制案例课件制作系统从CATS(CHENGDU AIR TRAFFIC SYSTEM)系统接收数据,也与DRS相关,它们模块之间的交集比较大。
- The proposed wavelet transform-based PCG compression algorithm efficiently reduces the undesired noises as well as signal data size. 以小波转换为基础的心音图压缩演算法不但可以做到压缩档案的效果并且可以降低不必要的杂讯。
- The electromyographic signal data measured from the contraction of the joint and muscle is used as the main parameter for estimate the joint torque. 藉由肌肉收缩时,撷取肘关节的肌电讯号,当作估测肌力的主要参数。
- It is a general method to apply the correlation technique to dealing with the signal data acquired in the ultrasonic measurement system. 在超声波测量系统中,利用相关技术来处理采集所得数据信号是一种非常普遍的方法。
- Fragment The XML data conforms to the rules for a well-formed XML 1.0 Document fragment. XML数据符合格式正确的XML 1.;0文档片断适用的规则。
- As long as each end-user may contact its trustworthy SIP proxy via a secure connection and authorize this proxy to encrypt the signaling data,the session information is secured end-to-end. 当每个终端用户能经由一条安全链接联系到它可信赖的SIP代理并授权该代理加密信号数据时,会话信息就得到了端到端的安全保护。
- After introducing the brief theories of wavelet analysis and Hibert Huang Transform (HHT), several signal data were analyzed by using HHT and wavelet analysis methods. 在简要介绍时程信号的小波分析和Hilbert Huang变换 (HHT)理论的基础上 ;通过地震波和其它时程信号实例 ;对比分析了小波变换和HHT变换结果 .
- If the source data is relational data, it needs to bepublished into XML data conforming to the schema of the target entity. 而此时,如果在要交换的一方源数据是以关系数据的方式存储,那么我们需要把关系数据发布成 XML 数据,而且是要发布成符合对方 XML 模式约束的 XML 数据;