- Research on the signal transmission path attenuation of GSM in main roadway 无线射频在开拓巷道中传播特性的研究
- signal transmission path 信号传输路径
- A transmission path utilized for a call in a communication network. 通信网络中在一次呼叫中所用的传输途径。
- A deliberate change in waveshape, introduced either to counteract the expected effect of a subsequent transmission path or to render the signal less susceptible to noise. 有意引入的波形变化,以抵消其后传输通道的畸变作用或减小噪声对信号的影响。
- Both rates of knowing rate of AIDS transmission path was above 80%. 教育前后对艾滋病传播途径的知晓率均在80%25以上;
- The Characteristic Study about Signal Transmission Application in Power-line. 信号在电力线上传输应用中特性的研究。
- Antenna : RF signal transmission between the device and reading labels. 天线:在标签和读取器间传递射频信号。
- The RF Power Amplifier(PA)in the transmission path which so far have been modelled as frequency independent(without memory effects) show memory effects due to the large signal bandwidth. 在宽带应用中,由于传输信号带宽增加,RF功率放大器不同于窄带输入下的无记忆特性,将表现出与频率有关的记忆非线性特性。
- A transmission path by which radio or other signals are sent to an aircraft or a communications satellite. 上行路线,向上传输传向航天器或通讯卫星的无线电或其他信号的传输路线
- Usually, the problem is how to reduce the sound pressure level, either at source or on the transmission path. 通常噪声问题的解决办法就是在其声源处或是在其传播途中降低其声压水平。
- To restore signal transmission, first turn off both the projector and the computer. 要恢复信号传输,首先关闭放映机和计算机。
- This paper proposes a streaming media transmission system which is able to select transmission path dynamically. 提出了一种具备动态路径选择功能的流媒体传输系统。
- The product is applicable to signal transmission and control in computers and similar electronic equipment. 本产品用计算机及类似电子设备中信号传输及控制用。
- This symptom is most often caused by a lack of signal transmission between the computer and the projector. 出现此症状通常是由于计算机和放映机之间缺少信号传输。
- The attachable indicator provides an ideal solution for local indication with simultaneous signal transmission. 附属显示器是现场显示同步传输信号的理想方案。
- CO and NO may play a synergic and complementary role in cellular signal transmission. 研究表明CO与NO共存于人和哺乳动物脑内某些神经元及周围自主神经节中,均为重要的神经递质,在细胞信号传递中起重要作用,在生理上CO可能与NO有着协同、互补的作用。
- In many applications, the balance performance of equipment is crucial in order to ensure a satisfactory suppression of unwanted signals from the normal transmission path. 在许多应用中,从正常的传输路径中确保不需要信号的满意的抑制,设备的平衡性能是关键。
- Data collecting instrument uses the technology of signal transmission with high speed and shielding. 数据采集仪使用了信号高速传输和屏蔽技术。
- Based on geometrical optics, plane layered model and sphere layered model are used to analyze the laser transmission path and the declination angle from direct path. 基于几何光学的方法,用球面分层和平面分层两种大气分层模式对激光在对流层中传输路径以及产生的仰角误差进行分析。
- Connection problems result in electrical noise that interferes with signal transmission. 连接问题导致会干扰媒体的讯号传输的电子杂讯。