- signal distribution equipment 信号分配装置
- Hub - A signal distribution point for part of an overall system. 分支--整个系统各部分的信号分布点,较大的有线系统通常使用多路分支。
- Suitable for the connection of copper conductors in distribution equipment. 详细描述:适用于配电装置中铜导线连接。
- The company baotou heli storage physical distribution equipment co., ltd. deals in Avoidance and also in stacker. 提供关于避免、避开以及堆垛机、装载机的信息。
- Most storage and distribution equipment take lower-level blends, but need special handling for higher-level blends. 大多数贮存和传送设备可以接受低混合比的柴油,但是高混合比的柴油需要特殊处理。
- The research indicates that the energy, noise and signal distribution have less influence to the correction method.Correction value is acclimatized to the signal. 研究表明,能量和噪声的变化对提出的校正方法影响小,校正过程不受信号分布形式的影响,校正量对信号能量变化具有自适应性。
- These products are applicable to connect the circular wire and hemicycle-sertor wire in distribution equipment or power supply cables. 连接管适用于配电装置中各种圆型,半圆扇型电线,电力电缆之间的连接。
- It is exclusive of work area cable and equipment cable and jumper connecting storey distribution equipment, but is can include one CP link. 它不包括工作区缆线和连接楼层配线设备的设备缆线、跳线,但可以包括一个CP链路。
- These products are applicable to connect the circular wire and hemicycle-sector wire in distribution equipment or power supply cables. 用途:连接管适用于配电装置中各种圆型,半圆扇型电线,电力电缆之间的连接。
- Wireless signal field test aimed at measuring and evaluating indoor cell signal distribution system, an outdoor macrocell signal interference with other systems in the indoor signal distribution. 无线信号场强测试的目的在于测量和评估室内分布系统各小区信号、室外宏蜂窝信号、其他系统干扰信号在室内分布的情况。
- The purple brown granules of hybridized signal distributed in the cytoplasm of principle cells of cauda epididymides. 杂交信号均为紫褐色的颗粒,分布在附睾尾的主细胞和近端输精管的上皮细胞的胞质内,表明胞质内mRNA与地高辛标记RED-20cDNA探针杂交。
- It adopts video operation magnifier,can proofread photo when vi deo signal distributed, corrected photo distortion on video transfers channel. 采用专用视频运算放大器,视频信号经过分配的同时,可实现一定的相位校正,在一定程度上纠正视频传输线路上的相位失真。
- This is an introduction on two parts of contents:the characteristics of the second generation Yutong central power distribution equipment and the application of the self resuming fuse PolySwitch. 重点介绍宇通第二代中央配电装置的特点 ; 说明 Poly Switch自复保险丝的应用情况。
- The leading industries are digital control machine and processing center, heavy steel casting and precision processing, wind power equipment manufacturing, power distribution equipment, crane facilities, electric instrument industries, etc. 主要发展以中高档数控机床及加工中心、重型铸钢件及精加工,以及风力发电设备、配电装置、起重设备、电工仪器仪表为主导的产业。
- It has been superiorly established its leading position in the country in various sectors including engineering machinery, power distribution equipment, large and medium-sized buses, tungsten products and aircraft maintenance. 在工程机械、配电设备、大中型客车、钨制品加工、飞机维修等领域确立了全国同行业中的优势地位。
- picture signal distribution amplifier 图像信号分配放大器
- Light should not be installed over HV&LV power distribution equipments and screw wire in substation. 变电所内,高低压配电设备及螺母线的正上方不应安装灯具。
- The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite. 这设备收到了卫星发出的信号。
- video signal distribution circuit 视频信号分配电路
- In order to improve the size distribution of charged coke in the radial direction of CDQ shaft,the fixed bell type coke distributing equipment was employed. 对于干熄焦工艺,为了改善焦炭在干熄炉径向方向上的粒度偏析,采用料钟进行布料。