- The11th sign of the zodiac in astrology. 宝瓶宫占星术黄道带黄道十二宫的第11宫
- The12th sign of the zodiac in astrology. 双鱼宫黄道占星术中十二宫中的第十二宫
- The eighth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天蝎座:黄道十二宫的第八宫。
- The tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 摩羯宫占星术中的第十宫
- The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天秤宫天文学中黄道上的第七宫
- The sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 室女宫天文学上的黄首宫的第六宫
- The third sign of the zodiac in astrology. 双子宫天文学上的黄道第三宫
- Ofall. Most big-hearted signs of the zodiac. 黄道十二宫。
- Which sign of the zodiac were you born in under? 你是在黄道带哪一宫下生的?[是那个星座的?
- Which sign of the zodiac are you? 你属于哪个星座?黄道十二宫?
- The fourth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 世蟹宫占星术中黄道的第四宫
- The first sign of the zodiac in astrology. 占星学中第一官
- What sign of the zodiac were you born under? 你是属什么星座的
- A diagram of the signs of the zodiac based on such an aspect. 算命天宫图根据如上诸星位置情况制成的星座图
- Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, the Archer. 人马座,拉丁文射手。
- Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, representing quickness of thought. 双子座是十二宫地第三个星座,代表思维敏捷。
- The fourth sign of the Zodiac, Cancer the Crab is ruled by the restless Moon. 黄道十二宫的第四宫是由月亮统治的巨蟹座。
- This alone automatically makes you the most favored sign of the zodiac. 单单这个就足以使你成为众星的幸运儿。
- Gemini's love variety and are the most curious Signs of the Zodiac. 他们希望不断地得到精神刺激,但是很快又会厌倦。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。