- sign learning theory 符号学习论
- It is no use learning theory without practice. 学习理论而不付诸于实践是没用的。
- Learning Theory and the Symbolic. 学习理论与行为
- We consider it of no use learning theory without practice . 我们认为学习理论而不实践是无用的。
- Learning theory knowledge by group discussion and explaination. 以分组讨论,讲解来进行理论知识。
- "At its core, transformative learning theory is elegantly simple. “它的核心,迁移理论学极为简单。
- And a constructivist learning theory, to read texts from the teaching methods. 并且以建构主义学习理论为基础,提出自读课文的教学方法。
- Vapnik V N.The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory [M].NY:Springer Verlag. 边肇祺;张学工.;模式识别[M]
- An algorithm is presented through using structural risk minimization (SRM) based on statistical learning theory. 在研究统计学理论的基础上,提出了以结构风险最小化为目标的训练方法。
- Observational Learning Algorithm (OLA) is an ensemble method based on social learning theory. 观察学习是一种基于社会学习理论的集成学习方法,以往对其研究集中于同构模式。
- Statistical Learning Theory or SLT, which was based on probability space, is a small-sample statistics by Vapnik. 统计学习理论(SLT)是由Vapnik 等人提出的一种小样本统计理论,但是该理论是在概率空间上建立起来的。
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) , which based on Statistic Learning Theory, has the adaptive generation ability. 建立在统计学习理论基础之上的支持向量机具有和样本数相适应的最优泛化能力。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- We describe the consistency of ERM learning process instatistical learning theory. 基于统计学理论研究了经验风险最小化原则学习过程的一致性问题。
- The method has quite obvious affiliation with the learning theory of constructivism. 这一模式与建构主义的学习理论存在着较明显的联系。
- Some movements which we carried out, learning theory for example, failed to combine with actual practice.As a result, people became fed up. 我们过去搞的一些运动,比如学理论,学来学去,就是不结合实际,结果大家厌烦了。
- Kolb's Experience Learning Theory emphasizes the role of experience in learning. 摘要库伯经验学习理论强调经验在学习中的作用。
- The emergence of the learning theory of constructivism meets the need of reformation of medical ethics teaching. 建构主义学习理论的兴起满足了医学伦理学教育改革的需要。
- In this section, this article reviewed the constructivism and cognitivism learning theory. 在这一部分,论文简要综述了建构主义学习理论 与认知主义学习理论。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。