- sight used water 景观用水
- Do you waste water? Or do you use water wisely? 你会好好利用,还是会浪费食水?
- How do people use water at home? 人们在家里如何用水?
- We use water for drinking and washing. 我们饮水并用它来洗东西。
- We use water for cleaning our classroom. 我们使用水来打扫我们的教室。
- To mix the cereal, use water that has been boiled for5 minutes. 开调婴儿米粉,请用煮沸5分钟的水。
- Police used water cannons and tear gas to quell the violence. 警方动用水枪和催泪瓦斯平息暴力。
- To mix the cereal,use water that has been boiled for 5 minutes. 开调婴儿米粉,请用煮沸5分钟的水。
- I who am blind can give one hint to those who see -- one admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. 我,一个盲人,可以给那些能看见的人一个提示---对想充分利用视力天赋的人的一个忠告:用你的双眼,就好像你明天就会遭致失明一样。
- It's a heavier job. We use water from the well for them. 那是力气活,我们得从井里打水浇花。
- Use water spray, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide. 使用水雾,泡沫,化学干粉或二氧化碳灭火剂。
- Use water from mountain creeks, original taste and no spices. 全部使用山泉水,原汁原味无放任何调味料。
- We need water. We want to use water to clean ourselves. 我们需要水。我们想要使用水清理我们自己。
- Who benefits from using water in this way? 这样用水谁受益?
- I use water resistant adhesive to get the best bond possible. 我使用防水粘合剂,以获得最佳连结性。
- That means farmers will need to do even more to use water productively . 那意味着农民需要更好的利用水来增加生产。
- Now, she and her roommates are learning to use water more conservatively. 但是,对于明年的新生,我们依然还有很多工作要做。
- Or maybe someone will invent an engine that uses water or sunlight. 或者可能会有人发明一种用水或阳光的发动机。
- The oil tanker soon got out of sight. 油船不久就看不见了。
- What are some disadvantages of using water in this way? 用这种方式用水的缺点是什么?