- heat transfer limit of side wall effect 侧壁效应传热极限
- side wall effect 边缘效应
- Underwater vortex from side wall. 漩涡根部附着在池壁上的水下涡。
- Side wall chain is heightens (10 store plant). 侧板倒板链子加高(10个存放架)。
- The bronze still hanging in the side wall, polishes. 那铜牌仍旧挂在侧墙上,被擦得铮亮。
- Besides the greenery, flowers effect that can have to decorate the balcony, face of balcony side wall, ground also is the key that decorates beautification. 除了绿色植物、花卉等能起到装饰阳台的作用外,阳台侧墙面、地面也是装饰美化的重点。
- A stack of halved timbers nestled beneath the eaves against the side wall. 一堆切成同样长短的木头,倚着墙壁,堆放在屋檐下。
- Suddenly there was a shriek.Someone saw a hand moving high up on a side wall. 突然有人发出尖叫声,他看见粉墙上有一只手移动,指头正在写字。
- The value of the wall effect was calculated by MCNP, and it is close to experimental result. 比较模拟得出的壁效应值与实验测量的壁效应值可知,实验给出的壁效应值是可信的。
- It saves several columns of calculating in the work-up since tunnel wall effect on the horizontal tail is then nonexistent. 因为这时不存在洞壁对平尾的影响,所以数据处理工作量减小了。
- In decorating adornment, if you all can stress a focal point in each house, will among them the adornment of one side wall and decorate do well, can rise " make the finishing point " artistic effect. 卫生间潮气大,装修中选磁砖、玻璃等不怕水蒸气的材料为好。选用有图案的磁砖,往往能收到“一举两得”的效果,既美化了空间,又保护了墙体。
- An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating. 边座,楼座剧院或大礼堂中为了增加座席,而从后面或侧墙突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部分
- In this paper, some qualitative analyses are carried out to study the characteristics of rupture process, such as rupture directivity and hanging wall effect. 本文对此做了一些定性的分析,认为高烈度区的分布与震源机制和破裂过程存在一定的相关性,并且在近断层地区很可能存在着较为显著的方向性效应和上盘效应。
- Rotection against torsional strain by rollers mounted on the side wall of the housing. 通过排线器箱体侧壁安装的滚轮防止扭转应变。
- To the one side wall in besmear becomes nacarat, outside bath crock build closing is blue mosaic, the table is yellow. 向里的一面墙壁涂成桔红色,浴缸外面的筑合是蓝色马赛克,桌子是黄色。
- The bedroom that rebuilds anew, the most conspicuous is one side wall brushed coral pink and goose yellow. 整修一新的卧室,最显眼的是一面墙刷成了珊瑚粉色和鹅黄色。
- According to the experiment results, vegetation arrangements, vegetation proneness and wall effect are the main factors affecting turbulent intensity, scouring pattern and scouring volume. 经渠槽实验发现植株丛型态之阻水断面比、边壁阻挡效应与植株倒伏程度,此三者为影响水流紊动强度与冲刷坑长宽比之主因;
- Osculum is in hind on side wall, it is back row water, this bit is very important. 排水孔在后侧墙上,是后排水,这点很重要。
- The side walls of the gasket groove shall be 63 micro-inch maximum roughness. 垫圈槽的侧壁最大粗糙度为63百万分之一英寸。
- The crushing side wall is used the upstream consolidation slope measures of rockfill dam with concrete face slab. 混凝土面板堆石坝采用挤压边墙作为大坝上游固坡措施。