- side thrust of piston 活塞侧推力
- They all took part in the cut and thrust of debate. 他们都参加了这场激烈的辩论。
- We both took part in the cut and thrust of debate. 我俩都参加了这场针锋相对的辩论。
- He got wounded in the cut and thrust of the battle. 他在搏斗中负了伤。
- The thrust of his presentation was aimed at Jordan. 他发言攻击的主要对象是约旦。
- The whole thrust of the project was to make money. 计划的核心在于赢利。
- He killed her with a thrust of the knife. 他把她一刀刺死了。
- The thrust of the argument was nonsense. 对此论点的批评根本就是一派胡言。
- What was the thrust of his argument? 他的论据的要点是什麽?
- When assembling, leave the mark on body of piston rod frontward. 装配时,杆身上的记号要朝前。
- Tight fit in body ensures disc-seat alignment and prevents side thrust on stem. 精密配合阀体,保证阀瓣-阀座对准和防止在阀杆上产生侧面推力。
- The thrust of his argument was that change was needed. 他的论据要点是改革是必要的。
- Top and bottom-guided disc assures stem operation without side thrust caused by high pressure flow. 头尾引导的阀瓣保证阀杆工作不会受到高压力流体产生的侧面推力的影响。
- A quick thrust of his weapon found the assassin's heart. 他的武器快速地刺入了暗杀者的心脏。
- The direction of the thrust of the rockets is controlled by computer. 火箭推力的方向是由电脑控制的。
- Steam equalises pressure on either side of piston and weight lifts the piston in the cylinder. 蒸汽平衡活塞两边的压力,而自身重量将活塞举进汽缸。
- Fully-guided stemStem bearings in body and gland follower prevent wobbling and packing leakage due to side thrust on stem. 全引导阀杆阀体内的阀杆轴承和密封压盖随动件避免由于阀杆侧推力导致的摇摆颤动和填料泄漏。
- The top- and bottom-guided disc assures perfect seat and disc alignment in spite of side thrust caused by high velocity flow. 顶部和底部导向的阀瓣确保阀座和阀瓣的精确对准不受高速流体所产生的侧面推力的影响。
- Dowels must not be used to withstand side thrust force (keys are to withstand this force and will be specified when quoting). 当承受侧力时不能使用合销(健用来承受这种压力,在报价时应说明)。
- Field test and analysis of piston action ventilationin beijing underground rai. 北京地铁列车活塞风的实则与分析。