- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- I'm sick of your unending grumbles. 我对你的不断埋怨感到厌烦。
- I got sick of his smoking in the classroom. 我讨厌他在教室抽烟。
- I am sick of the whole business. 我对这件事实在感到厌烦了。
- He is sick of this hot, sticky weather. 他厌恶这闷热的天气。
- I'm sick of waiting around like this. 我讨厌透了像这样在一旁等著。
- Are you sick of my smoking here? 你很讨厌我在这里吸烟吧?
- I'm sick of your stupid remarks. 你的那些蠢话我已经听厌了。
- I'm sick of you two squabbling just cut it out! 你们两个吵来吵去真烦人--快打住吧!
- I'm sick of being buggered about by the company. 我讨厌公司对我这样冷淡。
- I'm heartily sick of his constant complaining. 我深恶痛绝他那不断的抱怨。
- She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it. 她做这一工作已多年,因此从心底里感到厌烦。
- I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors. 我得对上司惟命是从,这叫我心里实在难受。
- sickness of journey 羁旅之愁
- You've postured until everyone's sick of you. 你装模作样,直到大家都讨厌你。
- Sick of those who scoff at the suffering of others. 厌恶那些嘲笑别人受苦的人。
- "I am sick of Mr. Bingley," cried his wife. “我就讨厌谈彬格莱先生,”他的太太嚷起来了。
- I'm sick of listening to your complaints; be quiet! 我已经听腻了你的抱怨,别再说了吧!
- Everyone got sick of his smoking in the classroom. 人人都讨厌他在教室抽烟。
- I'm sick of this whole insane and vile war. 这场疯狂可耻的战争我实在受不了。