- Pregnancy loss after first-trimester viability in women with sickle cell trait: Time for a reappraisal? 有镰状细胞特征妇女发生早孕期后的妊娠丢失:需要重新评价?
- Persons with sickle cell trait (Hemoglobin AS) are much less likely to have this happen. 带有镰状细胞特性(血红蛋白AS)的人并不常发生这种情况。
- the sickle cell trait(heterozygosity for)hemogilobin A and hemoglobin S 血红蛋白A与血红蛋白S的(杂合性), 镰形细胞特性
- (heterozygosity for)hemogilobin A and hemoglobin S, the sickle cell trait 血红蛋白A与血红蛋白S的(杂合性), 镰形细胞特性
- sickle cell trait 镰刀细胞素质
- This is sickle cell anemia in sickle cell crisis. 出现镰状细胞危象的镰状细胞贫血。
- How common are sickle cell disorders? 镰状细胞紊乱的共同点?
- How was sickle cell disease first noted? 镰状细胞病最初是如何发现?
- Can tourniquets be used in patients with sickle cell disease? 止血带能否用于镰状细胞病患者?
- Are there other novel ways of treating sickle cell disease? 治疗镰状细胞病有没有其它新方法?
- What is hemoglobin F, and how does it affect sickle cell disease? 何谓血红蛋白F?其对镰状细胞病有何作用?
- What organs are at risk for ischemia in sickle cell diseaese? 镰状细胞病时哪些器官有缺血的危险?
- Are patients with sickle cell disease at greater risk of infection? 镰状细胞病患者是否有更高的感染机会?
- How does hydration assist patients with sickle cell disease? 水合作用(液体治疗)用于镰状细胞病治疗的原因?
- What is responsible for the "anemia" of sickle cell disease? 镰状细胞病“贫血”的原因?
- Case Reports Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Treatment of Sickle Cell Stroke. 氧化亚氮吸入治疗镰刀细胞性卒中。
- Seen here is the small remnant of spleen in a patient with sickle cell anemia. 如图可见镰状细胞贫血患者残存的小脾脏。
- Sickle cell disorder represents all states in which a sickle gene is inherited. 镰状细胞紊乱代表所有的镰状遗传基因的状况。
- Is supplemental oxygen beneficial for patients with sickle cell disease? 辅助供氧对镰状细胞病患者是否有益?
- Is there a difference between sickle cell disorder, disease and anemia? 镰状细胞紊乱、镰状细胞病和镰状细胞性贫血之间有何差异?