- Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways. 泰国猫在某些方面相当象狗。
- siamese coupling 集水器接口
- Why did the Siamese twins move to England? 为什么一对联体孪生子要移民英格兰?
- Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat? 他肩膀上的那只桫椤猫是谁运来的?
- Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female. 我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。
- The siamese twins were not considered separable. 这对联体双胞胎被认为无法分开。
- Alignment checks when coupling refitted. 设备工程师对联轴做对中检查。
- Their coupling is the mere combat. 他们性交只是场搏斗。
- I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats . 我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。
- Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points. 有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。
- I've isolated the reverse power flux coupling. 我已经隔离反向电流接合
- Loose coupling has many advantages. 松散耦合有许多优点。
- Love is the spiritual coupling of two souls. 爱情是两个人精神上的结合。
- Siamese fighting fish are available in a wide range of colors. 暹罗斗鱼的体色各式各样,选择面极广。
- For that, we need to minimize this coupling. 因此,我们需要将它们之间的耦合降低到最低程度。
- Direct drive via a coupling (fig 2). 是通过联轴节的直接驱动(图2)。
- Is your definition of loose coupling too tight? 您对松散耦合的定义是否太过狭窄呢?
- By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy. 邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。
- They are used as a coupling device in mating. 它们在交配时被用作一个联结装置。
- A pipe coupling threaded on both ends. 螺纹接头一种两端都带外螺纹的管子