- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- A set of tools goes with each tractor. 每一台出售的拖拉机都附有工具一套。
- Can we shunt the talks onto a new topic? 我们谈话换个新话题好吧?
- He drove the tractor to his farm. 他开拖拉机去农场了。
- There is a tractor in this farmyard. 在这个农家庭院里停着一台拖拉机。
- The tractor is powered by a diesel engine. 这台曳引机是用柴油机发动的。
- The tractor had been damaged by rough usage. 这辆拖拉机因使用不经心而损坏了。
- shunting tractor 调车牵引车
- She tried to shunt the blame onto Miss Williams. 她试图把责任推至威廉姆斯小姐身上。
- The clanking tractor went along, shooting smoke out of its belly. 拖拉机铿铿地开了过去,从车肚里喷出烟来。
- The tractor laboured up the hillside. 拖拉机艰难地向山坡上爬去。
- They managed to pull in the tractor inside the shed. 他们设法把牵引机拉进棚里。
- A bar across the rear of a tractor for hitching machinery. 联接杆拖拉机后部牵引机械的横梁
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来。
- You can't shunt the blame onto your mother. 你不能把责任推到妈妈身上。
- Now the occasional use of the subway line shunting. 现在地铁偶尔利用这条线调车。
- We have to get in a mechanic to repair the tractor. 我们必须请个技工来修理这部拖拉机。
- The dispatcher to intensify shunting. 那个调度员加紧调车。
- The tractor driver started up the engine. 拖拉机手把发动机开动起来。
- Shunt your suitcases,let me go through. 把你的行李箱挪一挪,让我过去。