- The economy is shrinking instead of growing. 经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- He can not shrink back from danger. 他不会从危险中退缩出来。
- Don't shrink from the thought of obstacle. 不要一想到困难就退缩。
- Shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself. 她可不胆小--任何场合都能为自己说话。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed? 这件羊毛衫洗后会缩水吗?
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- A bauble is a showy ornament of little value. 廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。
- Stamps can be redeemed at face value. 印花可以按面值换回现金。
- She's no shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself. 她可不胆小--任何场合都能为自己说话。
- He puts a high value on integrity. 他对正直的评价很高。
- In work with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking. 用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗後会缩水。
- The goods were bid up far beyond their real value. 这些货物的价格被炒得远远超过了它们的实际价值。
- In working with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking. 用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗後会缩水。
- Car sales have been shrinking (ie Fewer have been sold) recently. 汽车销量近来一直在下降。
- Will this shirt shrink in the wash? 这件衬衫洗後缩水吗?