- I prick the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。
- I pricked the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。
- Further information can be obtained from our head office. 详细的资料可从我们的总部得到。
- Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area. 我们总公司可安排您与当地分公司取得联系。
- After the show our host stood treat to a late supper. 观看演出之后,主人又请我们吃了一顿夜宵。
- It is ludicrous that we have to show our pass each time. 我们每次都得出示通行证,这太可笑了。
- The sky was a clear blue over our heads. 我们头顶上是蔚蓝的天空。
- Our head office have agree to give your factory any technical aid you need. 我们总公司已经同意给予贵厂需要的一切技术援助。
- That manifestation showed our power. 那次示威运动显示了我们的力量。
- One day is hardly enough to show our thankfulness. 仅仅在这一天向您表示我们的感激是远远不够的。
- A brilliant flare popped off right over our head. 一颗耀眼的照明弹正好在我们头顶上爆炸了。
- We must show our passports at the frontier. 在边境我们必须出示护照。
- Mrs Brown is dinning phrasal verbs into our heads every day. 布朗太太每天都反复向我们灌输短语动词。
- Try this new dish, created by our head chef. 品尝一下这道新菜吧,是我们厨师长首创的。
- We showed our appreciation with flowers. 我们用花表示谢意。
- We're transferring you to our head office. 我们要调你去公司的总部。
- They told us to show our passports to them. 他们让我们把护照拿出来。
- But we'll have to confirm with our head office. 但我们需向总公司作最后确认。
- Spiritual beings dwell three feet over our head. 头上三尺有神灵。
- I want to take some sample to show our franchiser. 我要带一些样品回去给我们的经销商们看看。