- shower head injector 莲蓬头式喷头,莲蓬式喷嘴
- The shower head drizzled water on my head. 莲蓬头把水像下毛毛雨似的洒在我头上。
- Inside it there is an adjustable shower head with a shower nozzle. 里面有可调节的淋浴头及淋浴喷嘴。
- Some of the warm water I felt on my feet was not from the shower head. 也就是说,我的脚一开始感觉到的温暖的水不是从喷头里出来的。
- Deputy TTS high pressure shower head, red and hydrants, cars, etc. dishes. 代理TTS高压花洒龙头、冲地龙头、碗碟车等等。
- It has the fundamental set has the washbasin, the bathtub, the shower head, the flush toilet and so on. 它所拥有的基本设备有洗脸盆、浴盆、淋浴喷头、抽水马桶等。
- TaiZhou AnyShower Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd is producing the Cooper Shower Head, the designs for the product is usually stylish, and functional. 台州市雅妮莎实业有限公司专业从事淋浴铜花洒的制造与销售,公司的产品在设计上引领潮流,外观大方,实用。
- Next, may the due consideration before the mirror, sit above the bedpan as well as the shower head the can filling lamp, such illumination way. 其次,可以适当考虑在镜前、坐便器上方以及喷淋头上方装筒灯,这样的照明方式。
- If your shower pressure is getting so bad that you'd be better off dribbling on yourself, try taking your shower head apart and soaking the pieces in a bowl of vinegar. 把半杯醋与两汤匙盐混合你就拥有金属抛光剂了。从银器到浴室设备,它都能很好地处理。如果有难处理的硬水污点它也能清理。
- Smooth as pebbles touch the basin, the all-round landing skirt massage bath, into the wall and the shower head, as if you stay in the clear-white sand of the seashore. 轻触鹅卵石般光滑的面盆、圆润的全裙落地按摩浴缸、入墙式龙头和花洒,令你仿佛置身于水清沙白的海边。
- This type of shower head also will massage the scalp before and after shampooing and conditioning the hair, stimulating the meridians that originate in the scalp each morning. 这种淋浴头也可以在清洗和护理头发前后按摩头盖骨,每天早上激活起始于头盖骨的经络。
- The spacious bathroom, loaded with senior toilet bowl and dressing table (with basin, dressing mirror), the bathtub and shower head, bath curtain, and clothesline. 有卫生间,装有高级抽水恭桶、梳妆台(配备面盆、梳妆镜)、浴缸并带淋浴喷头(有单独淋浴间的可以不带淋浴喷头),配有浴帘、晾衣绳。
- With the independent shower, multifunctional massage shower head and invariableness water temperature round the clock, you can bath as you want in the bathroom. 浴室拥有独立淋浴间,多功能按摩淋浴花洒,全天候恒定水温,让您随心所浴(欲)。
- Turn switch valve. From left to right in order, take the following measures: needled nozzle, sprinkler, portable shower head, base tub water inlet device, foot massage. 旋转开关阀。从左到右依次为针刺喷嘴,顶喷淋,手提花洒,座缸进水器,足底按摩。
- He was wet from head to foot from the shower. 他被雨浇得全身湿透。
- Tap ware Looking for all types of Faucets, Tap ware, Shower Heads, Bath Faucets, ... 查看“建筑建材-卫浴设施-水龙头”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Shower heads were sampled at houses, apartment buildings and public places in New York, Illinois, Colorado, Tennessee and North Dakota. 纽约、伊利诺斯、科罗拉多、田纳西和北达科他的居室、公寓楼和公共场所的淋浴喷头取样。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- A heavy shower drench the campers. 一阵骤雨把露营者都淋湿了。
- A pair of suitcases filled with special shower heads for Islamic ablutions, and monumental razors and clippers, poke fun at the needs of the Muslim traveler. 两个皮箱装满伊斯兰公共澡堂的特殊莲蓬头,还有巨大的刮胡刀和指甲刀,戏谑穆斯林旅客的必备品。