- Here in Prague.Doing the show for the first time. 在布拉格这里,作为我们[此次巡演的]第一场演出。
- For the first time they hold hands in public. 他们第一次手搀手地公开露面。
- The entire Frieze showed for the first time at the secessionist exhibition in Berlin in 1902. “生命的饰带”的第一次完整展出是在1902年柏林分离派画展上。
- CONCLUSION: These data show for the first time the formation of dentin and bone from dissociated odontogenic cells in the canine jaw. 结论:离散的牙源性细胞在颌骨内可形成牙本质和骨组织样结构。
- Over 1,000 waxworks of skin diseases, which have a history of nearly 100 years, are on show for the first time, Shenyang, Sept. 29, 2004. 简介: 2004年9月29日,一千多件将近一百年历史的皮肤病蜡型第一次展现在世人面前。这些蜡型是日本势力在入侵东三省之后,经过几十年时间逐步制作成的。
- For the first time in her life her talents had a fair field. 她有生以来第一次获得了充分发挥她才能的均等机会。
- The children were so excited to be taken aboard for the first time. 那些小孩第一次被带上飞机,简直兴奋极了。
- Ferrari, Bingley, Porche, Masha Latty, Aston Martin, run quickly, the BMW, Kaidilake to arrive, Aston Martin presents the Hangzhou auto show for the first time. 法拉利、宾利、保时捷、玛莎拉蒂、阿斯顿马丁、奔驰、宝马、凯迪拉克均悉数到场,其中阿斯顿马丁是首次亮相杭州车展。
- Not for the first time my will came up against my wife's. 我同妻子的意愿相违背,这已不是第一次了。
- A 200-year-old pair of false teeth found in the mouth of a French archbishop when his coffin was dug up by archaeologists goes on show for the first time. 一位法国大主教棺木经考古学家挖掘出土后,他口中那副有200年历史的假牙首度展示。
- Foreign travel opened his eyes to poverty for the first time. 他一到外国才初次见识到什麽是贫穷。
- That boy can spell out the Chinese for the first time. 那个小男孩第一次会将汉字慢慢地读出来。
- Ralph is going to visit Ken's office for the first time. 这是Ralph初次要去Ken的公司拜访。
- On Sunday following decades of painstaking restoration, the frescoes in vivid shades of blue, red and ochre went on public show for the first time since they were painted in about 30BC. 这些在西元前三十年以蓝色、红色和黄土色等鲜丽色彩所绘制成的壁画,经过几十年下来毫不懈怠的复原工作,在这个星期天做了首次公开的展示。
- For the first time he enjoyed a roast potato. 他第一次享受到烤土豆的味道。
- I was struck with amazement as I saw the great ship for the first time. 我第一次见那艘大船时,感到非常惊异。
- Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement. 首次飞跃大西洋是一项了不起的业绩。
- Detailed accounts of the Land Fund are shown for the first time in the HKMA Annual Report. 金管局年报首次列载土地基金的详尽账目。
- The Conservative party was in opposition for the first time in years. 多年以来保守党第一次处于反对党的地位。
- This study shows for the first time that parthenogenetic blood cells can replace those of an immunocompromised adult mouse. 这项研究第一次显示单性繁殖血细胞可替换免疫妥协的成年小鼠的血细胞。