- My new shoes are on the tight side but should be all right after I have worn them a few times. 我的这双新鞋小了一点,但穿过几次后就会松一些的。
- We should be all right, if there are no traffic jams. 如果没有交通堵塞,我们就能赶到。
- No. The doctor says the bone isn't broken. I think it should be all right in a few days. 没有,医生说骨头没断。我想两三天后应该会好。
- My new shoes are on the tight side,but should be all right after I have worn them a few times. 我的这双新鞋小了一点,但穿过几次后就会松一些的。
- We must have the courage to win; all Right sentiments should be repudiated. 我们要敢于胜利,一切右的思想情绪都得加以克服。
- At this time,a person should be all there. 在这个时候,人需要很机警。
- You should be all set. Just restart your computer. 应该都好了。只要重新开机就行了。
- At this time, a person should be all there. 在这个时候,人需要很机警。
- The other potentiometers should be all rotated counter clockwise. 另一个电位计应该完全逆着顺时针方向旋转。
- We are all for your proposal that discussion should be put off. 我们都支持你推迟讨论的建议。
- You should be humble enough. They are all our elders. 汤姆,你要谦虚些,他们都是我们的长辈。
- If the highway transport system is all right, the fractal dimension should be steady and can be improved from a long period. 在公路运输系统结构良好稳定的情况下,分维数应相对稳定,从发展趋势来看,分维数有提高的趋势;
- I think that all rapists should be strung up. 我认为所有的强奸犯都应该被绞死。
- They were all impregnable, as the Party intended that they should be. 她们全都是坚不可摧,完全按党的要求干。
- Jessica: No. I have a laptop computer. As long as we can hook that up on the conference room, we should be all set. 不需要,我又一台笔记本电脑。只要把它连接到会议室,就可以了。
- The master test plan and a detailed planning of test effort should be all that is produced prior to test execution. 主测试计划和测试工作的详细计划,应当是在测试执行之前所产生的所有文档。
- All such problems should be placed on our agenda. 所有这类问题都应提到我们的议事日程上来。
- The above abrasives should be all that you will need to complete your first French polishing project. 介绍虫胶涂装所需材料的同时,也让我们来介绍一下研磨上光的问题。我们将需要用到下列研磨剂(砂纸--译者)
- This but should be all wool and a yard wide fawn, see it that is perky strong, look young still. 这个可应该是货真价实的小鹿了,看它那神气劲,看来还是年轻啊。
- All spoils of war should be delivered up. 所有的战利品都必须上交。