- Thus, there is a shortage of manpower in neurosurgery, neurology, as well as a lack of specialists in infectious diseases. 由于医师人力不足与资源缺乏,急重症病患唯有依赖空中紧急医疗转送至本岛台湾救治。
- Ah brother really sorry for the wronged you, you know, the station is a chaotic place, Lane has a serious shortage of manpower, those employed on a temporary telephone. 真是对不起啊老弟,让你受委屈了,你也知道,火车站是个很乱的地方,所里的警力严重不足,就雇了这些临时的联防队员。
- But because of Japan's antagonism with the Soviet Union and her inherent shortage of manpower and finances, there are inevitable limits to the maximum number of men she can throw in and to the furthest extent of her advance. 但由于同苏联对立,又由于人财先天不足,所以日本的最大的出兵数和最后的进攻点都不得不受一定的限制。
- But because of Japan's antagonism with the Soviet Union and her inherent shortage of manpower and finances,there are inevitable limits to the maximum number of men she can throw in and to the furthest extent of her advance. 但由于同苏联对立,又由于人财先天不足,所以日本的最大的出兵数和最后的进攻点都不得不受一定的限制。
- In the challenge of the financing surge,cataloging languages expansion and the shortage of manpower,optimization of the acquisition and cataloging work in SISU library is become a must. 经费剧增、采购编目语种扩充、人手短缺等问题对我馆采编工作提出了挑战,采编工作优化势在必行。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
- This area has an acute shortage of water. 这个地方缺水严重。
- The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up. 西红柿的短缺提高了它的价格。
- We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel. 我们苦于严重缺乏燃料。
- There is a shortage of salt in this country. 这个国家缺少盐。
- He always bemoans the shortage of funds for research. 他总是叹息研究经费不足。
- This project tied up a great deal of manpower. 这项工程占用了大量人力。
- Continuance of the war will mean shortage of the food. 战争的持续意味着食品短缺。
- The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. 干旱少雨使原本就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。
- We first have to build up our reserves of manpower. 我们首先得加强人力储备。
- There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain. 山顶上缺氧。
- Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development. 资金短缺是影响经济发展的一个因素。
- Here comes in the question of manpower. 这儿存在一个人力问题。
- Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year. 现在花钱过头,来年就要缺钱。
- An epidemic which depletes an army of manpower. 一场流行病耗尽了军队的有生力量。