- short duration current 窄脉冲电流
- We hope the war will be short duration. 我们希望战争是短期的。
- This negative pressure phase is of short duration. 负压周期的延续时间很短。
- The storm was of short duration. 暴风雨持续时间很短。
- We hope the war will be of short duration. 我们希望战争是短持续期间的。
- Pulse A regular, significant abrupt change of short duration in the level of an electric voltage or current. 电压或电流作有规则的,短暂的和明显的突然变动。
- A surge is a transient voltage or current which can have extremely short duration and high magnitude. 冲击是一种持续时间极短,幅值很大的暂态电压或电流。
- Sad to say, however, this first ecstasy was but of short duration. 不过,我们真不好意思启口,开始这种飘飘然的心情很快被扰乱了。
- In electronics,a change in a voltage or current level for a short duration,typically an increase from zero to 5 volts for a few milli or microseconds. 在电子技术中,电压或电流电平作短暂改变,典型地是在几个毫秒或微秒内从0增加到5V。
- Sad to say,however,this first ecstasy was but of short duration. 不过,我们真不好意思启口,开始这种飘飘然的心情很快被扰乱了。
- In electronics,a change in a voltage or current level for a short duration,typically an increase from zero to 5 volts for a few milli-or microseconds. 在电子技术中,电压或电流电平作短暂改变,典型地是在几个毫秒或微秒内从0增加到5V。
- Yeobright's visit to his mother was to be of short duration. 姚伯回来看他母亲,只是短期的勾留。
- In electronics, a sharp peaked short duration voltage. 在电子技术中,一种持续时间短暂的尖峰电压。
- The main problem is the very short duration of the event. 主要的问题是事情持续的时间非常短。
- Flowers fairly large, hypogynous, of short duration. 花相当大,下位的,花期短。
- The thyristor can be trigged into the on-state by applying a pulse of positive gate current for a short duration provided that the device is in its forward blocking state. 如果是处于正向阻断状态,只要在门极提供一个短暂的正脉冲,晶闸管就会导通。
- In electronics, a change in a voltage or current level for a short duration, typically an increase from zero to5 volts for a few milli-or microseconds. 在电子技术中,电压或电流电平作短暂改变,典型地是在几个毫秒或微秒内从0增加到5V。
- Many mild cases are observed in which fever is low and of short duration. 许多轻微病例表现出低热和病程短。
- Invisibility--buffs that make the target invisible for a short duration. 使目标短时间内隐形。
- This flower only bloomed during the very short duration of an eclipse. 这种花只在月食发生时那段很短的期间开放。