- Don't attempt to do so much in such a short time. 时间这么短,别想干这么多的事。
- She cleaned out her savings in a short time. 她在短时间内把全部积蓄都花光了。
- Charles was at bat only a short time before he struck out. 查尔斯击球不到一会就因三击不中而退场了。
- Fish can survive for only a short time out of water. 鱼离开水後活得时间很短。
- Although the work was arduous, he finished it in a short time. 虽然这项工作很费力,他仍然很快就做完了。
- We marvelled that he had learned six languages in a short time. 我们感到惊讶的是,他在短时间里学会了六种语言。
- The disease can sweep through whole populations in a very short time. 这种病可以在很短的时间里在全体人口中流行开来。
- The grass was on fire for a short time. 草烧了一会儿。
- Of special interest are the results of some trials to predict small earthquakes in very short time range. 特别有意义的是在非常短促的时间范围内预报小震的某些试验的结果。
- Vermiculite tends to collapse in a short time. 蛭石在短期内就会分解。
- A new building was set up in a short time. 新大楼短期就建成了。
- He swilled three buns in a short time. 不一会儿他就吞下了三个圆面包。
- Everybody got waited on in a short time. 每个人一会儿就有服务员照顾了。
- People hear that boy calls only a short time ago. 人们听见那个男孩刚才打电话。
- Things will improve with them in a short time. 不久他们的情况将得到改善。
- I waited only a short time before he appeared. 我等了没多久他就出现了。
- In a short time many good roads have appeared. 不久时间,许多好走的路都出来了。
- The lions devoured a zebra in a short time. 狮子一会儿就吃掉了一匹斑马。
- How ever did you lose so much in such a short time? 你究竟怎样在这么短时间内轻那么多?
- The train made its run in a very short time. 火车很快便行完全程。