- oil base coating 油基漆
- Landseer--White base coat with black markings. 兰西尔色:白色为底色,带有黑色条纹。
- It can be compatible with epoxy, epoxy-tar, vinyl paint systems. But it is incompatible with oil base, alkyd, polyester coating systems. 与环氧、环氧沥青、沥青系、乙烯等体系的涂料配套使用。但不能与油性、醇酸、聚酯类油漆配套使用。
- It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, vinyl paint systems. But it is incompatible with oil base, alkyd, polyester coating systems. 与氯化橡胶、环氧、环氧沥青、沥青系、乙烯等体系的涂料配套使用。但不能与油性、醇酸、聚酯类油漆配套使用。
- It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, epoxy ester paint systems. But it is incompatible with oil base, alkyd, polyester coating systems. 与氯化橡胶类、氧类、氨酯类、氧沥青、青系、氧酯等体系的涂料配套使用。但不能与油性、酸、漆配套使用。
- Application: This product may be widely used in all kinds of oil base, resin industrials coating, oily coating, woodwork paint, priming paint and so on. 用途:广泛应用于各类油基、树脂工业涂料、油性涂料、木器漆底漆等。
- WK 8138 is used in the pre-bottom and base coat of polished or ironed leathers. WK 8138用于抛光或熨平的革预底层和底层涂饰中。
- Some paints have an oil base. 有些颜料是以油脂作为主要成分。
- It's a modified acrylic resin based coating. 是以改性丙烯酸树脂为基料制成。
- A paint with an oil base. 以油彩为主的绘画
- oil based coating 油基漆
- ATO:an approximate translation algorithm for OIL based ontology. ATO:一种基于OIL的本体论近似翻译算法
- When used as a base coat LIVAL GR is applied uniformly and thinly with a cloth or a sponge, either in pure form or mixed with water. 染色前封闭剂时,可与水混合或纯原液,用布或海面均匀地稀薄地涂在表面,如是大面积应用,也可用喷枪。
- Oil based make-up, suntan oil, hair gels and sprays. 油性的化妆,防晒霜,发胶和发喷。
- When used as a base coat with color-leveling effect on aniline leather, it can be mixed with LIVAL COLOR VL dyes. 染色前封闭剂时,可与水混合或纯原液,用布或海面均匀地稀薄地涂在表面,如是大面积应用,也可用喷枪。用海绵单独用于破裂和多孔易渗皮革的产品。
- Nails: Apply Base Coat, followed with Exquisite Nail Colour. Top with Chiffon Nail Colour. 唇:用红梅彩妆两用笔(0361)划上唇部轮廓后再填满双唇。
- The synthesis condition of gelling agent phosphate ester in oil base fracturing fluid is studied on this paper. 探讨了油基压裂液胶凝剂磷酸酯的合成条件,进而对配制的压裂液性能进行了评价。
- It is recommended that WA 8535 is used in the base coat of finishing of nappa leather. 建议WA 8535用于所有纳帕革的底层涂饰中。
- Go and get some more oil so we don't run short. 去多弄些油来以免到时候用光了。
- The new spray painting process of acrylics-polyurethane can mix the colyours rapidly and provide ideal base coat. 新的丙烯酸-聚氨脂喷涂工艺能快速配色,且能提供较好的涂层。