- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。
- The kids bedaubed the wall with black paint. 那些小家伙用黑漆把墙壁涂画得乱七八糟。
- He scratched his name on the wall with a knife. 他用一把小刀把自己的名字刻在墙上。
- He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer. 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。
- The maid did down the walls with a duster. 女佣用掸帚由上而下地刷除四壁上的尘垢。
- The birds fly with wings outspread. 鸟儿展开翅膀飞翔。
- That is a grotesque painting with two head animal with wing. 那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。
- You stick this hook to the wall with a sucker. 你用吸盘把这个钩子固定在墙上。
- What goes with wing if you couldn't feel wind on the face. 感觉不到微风吹在脸上,光有翅膀有什么用。
- They spotted the wall with green paint. 他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁。
- He poked a hole in the wall with the stick. 他用棍子在墙上戳了一个洞。
- Soaring as if with wings; elevated or sublime. 高远的象有翅膀般飞翔的; 高扬的或升华的
- They braced the sagging wall with a piece of wood. 他们用一根木头撑住那堵往一边倾斜的墙壁。
- We'll placard the wall with advertisements. 我们将把广告贴在墙上。
- They splashed the wall with different colours. 他们把墙上涂抹得光怪陆离。
- Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white, with wings. 在图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀。
- That is a grotesque painting with two-headed animals with wings. 那是幅风格怪异的画有带翼双头兽的作品。
- He drove a nail into the wall with his hammer. 他用锤子把一个钉子钉进墙里。
- They plastered the wall with signs. 他们在墙上贴满告示。