- Her short life had hardly been a happy one. 她那短促的一生实在算不得幸福。
- Does the project have a short life cycle? 项目的生命周期是否很短?
- He accomplished a great deal in his short life. 在他短暂的一生里,他取得了很大成就。
- And advertising humor has a relatively short life. 幽默广告业需要突出产品的特色。
- In his short life he had run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder. 他在短短的一生中,从小偷小摸到杀人,什么罪都犯过。
- In his short life he have run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder. 他在短短的一生中,从小偷小摸到杀人,什么罪都犯过。
- You were all along 'the shadowy third'in my short life with her. 在我跟她共同生活那个短短的期间,你就永远是一个“暗中的第三者。”
- However short life might be, it was necessary to sustain it. 无论生命多么短促,坚持到底总是必要的。
- You were all along "the shadowy third" in my short life with her. 在我跟她共同生活那个短短的期间,你就永远是一个“暗中的第三者。”
- It's scarely when you realized how short life truly is. 我想以后我都会记得随身带个枕头吧。
- Why had Iqbal faced so much tragedy in his short life? 为什么伊克巴在他短暂的一生之中竟要遭受如此多的苦难?
- As a main life element, carbon plays important role in the matter cycling in soil-plant system. 摘要碳作为重要的生命元素,在土壤-植物系统物质循环中发挥重要作用。
- Crane was a prolific writer throughout his short life. 作家克雷恩在其短暂的一生中创作了许多作品。
- It is also the necessities of body and one of the most important microelement,and the indispensable life element of the metabolism of a ll creatures. 硒又是人体必需的重要微量元素之一,同样也是其他动、植物新陈代谢必不可少的生命元素。
- Poe, however, never during his short life reached their level of eminence. 可是坡在短促一生中从没有象他们那样达到显赫水平。
- Short live the Telecom monopoly! 电信垄断短住!
- Olive oil abstracted from olive of Fashion Life Element is as cherish as nectar.And it's famous for its delicate fragrant, firm and anti-oxidating efficacy. 橄榄可提炼出珍贵的橄榄油,如同琼浆玉液般的橄榄油,因拥有细致的芳香及紧肤、抗氧化的功效非常驰名。
- The author though tha the studies from now on should consider more the inte-gration, entirety and overall ratio equilibrium inside life element ecosystem of living organism. 作者认为,今后对生命元素的研究应注重生物有机体中生命元素生态系统的整体性、系统性和元素整体的比例平衡及其互作关系。
- Olive oil abstracted from olive of Fashion Life Element is as cherish as nectar And itsfamous for its delicate fragrant,firm and anti-oxidating efficacy. 橄榄提炼出珍贵的橄榄油,如同琼浆玉液般的橄榄油,因拥有细致的芳香及紧肤抗氧化的功效非常驰名。
- Chitin is regarded as "Sixth key life element "by medicine and biology community. This paper will make an exposition of its chemical istructure and biosynthesis and health effect. 几丁质、几丁聚糖通称为甲壳质,因其具有独特的生物学特性和生物保健功能,现被医学及生物学界称为“第六大生命要素”。本文将对其化学结构、提取及生物保健功能等进行论述。