- His work Singking was a famous collection of short stories in vernacular Chinese in the modern history of Chinese literature and aroused extensive social response. 郁达夫的《沉论》是中国现代文学史上著名的白话短篇小说集。 引起过广泛的社会影响。
- short stories in vernacular of Ming Dynasty 明代白话短篇小说
- Are short stories in vogue today? 短篇小说现在流行吗?
- short stories in vernacular 明代白话短篇小说
- The short stories in Lizi Qing also reflect the realities of life. 《荔子情》里的短篇故事也反映现实生活。
- They ran this short story in five issues. 他们把这篇短篇小说连载了五期。
- Henry wrote many short stories in the same vein, humorous and light-hearted. 亨利以同样的风格写了许多短篇小说,幽默而又轻松愉快。
- Henry wrote many short stories in the same vein,humorous and light-hearted. 亨利以同样的风格写了许多短篇小说,幽默而又轻松愉快。
- Henry wrote many short stories in the same vein,humorous and light-hearted. 亨利以同样的风格写了许多短篇小说,幽默而又轻松愉快。
- Brandon published two posthumous collections of his short stories in the 1990s. 上世纪九十年代,他的短篇故事由布兰登出版社集结出版。
- I've read some of Hemingway's short stories in translation, but I'd rather read them in the original. 我读了一些翻译的海明威的短篇故事,但是我宁愿看原著。
- Others shun electronic book publishing. Richard Peabody publishes poetry and short stories in traditional form only. 另外一部分人则回避电子发行书籍。理查德皮波第只用传统方式出版诗歌和短篇小说。
- This paper makes a general description and analysis of the creation of Chinese short stories in 2006 in terms of the mainstay bottom narrative and other modes of expression. 论文主要从主流性的底层叙事,以及此外的其他表达空间两大方面,对2006年度中国短篇小说创作状况做了一个概括性的描述和评价。
- He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech. 他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。
- Katherine Mansfield is the master of English short story in the 20th century. 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield, 1888-1923)是一位享有“短篇小说大师”称号的女性作家。
- Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in vernacular language. 把这篇古文译成白话文。
- Lu Xun is one of the pioneers in vernacular writing. 鲁迅是白话文的先驱之一。
- He writes short stories for a monthly magazine. 他为一家月刊杂志撰写短篇小说。
- Short stories are her staple reading. 短篇小说是她经常看的读物。
- Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day. 有些低级杂志的作家每天粗制滥造地写出两三篇短篇小说。