- short stature syndrome 矮身体综合征
- He was handicapped by his short stature. 他是因为个头小吃亏了。
- Short stature is not a serious disfigurement. 个子不高不是人生中的严重缺陷。
- Norditropin has receied orphan drug designation for the treatment of short stature associated with Noonan syndrome. 诺和诺德已经获得“孤儿药”指定,以治疗努南综合症引发的儿童身材矮小。
- Up to 80 percent of children with Noonan syndrome suffer from significant short stature. 80%25努南综合症患儿表现明显的身材矮小。
- Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback. 除了个子十分矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。
- Along with a rather short stature,he had a grotesque hunchback. 除了个子十分矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。
- IBIDS is a syndrome characterized by ichthyosis, brittle hair, impaired intelligence, decreased fertility and short stature. 摘要IBIDS是一个合并鱼鳞癣,脆弱毛发,智能不足,低生育力和矮小体格的徵候群。
- His red hair and short stature made him easy to recognize. (他的一头红发与五短身材,让人一眼就能认出他来。)
- Noonan syndrome is defined as an autosomal dominant genetic syndrome commonly characterized by short stature, congenital heart defects, and unique facial features. 努南综合症被定义为一种常染色体显性的遗传性综合症,其一般特征为身材矮小、先天性心脏缺损、以及独特的面部特征。
- A 19-year-old girl of 45,X/46,XY mosaic Turner syndrome, presenting with short stature, sexture, sexual infantilism and abnormal physical stigmata was found to have a left adnexa mass at diagnosis. 摘要透纳氏症患者中约有百分之二十为镶嵌型染色体异常,其中少部份带有Y染色体。
- The Aarskog-Scott syndrome is a disorder with short stature, hypertelorism, downslanting palpebral fissures, anteverted nostrils, joint laxity, shawl scrotum, and mental retardation. 什麽是'奥斯科格综合徵-遗传性疾病的影响面和生殖器'?
- Patients usually had typical rhizomelic short stature, large head, frontal bossing and trident fingers. 患者大多有典型的四肢近端短小,大头,前额突出,以及三叉戟状手。
- Besides the short stature and microcephaly, the patient had developmental delay in language. 男童除了生长迟缓及小头症,还有语言发展迟缓。
- A member of any of various peoples of short stature inhabiting parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia. 小黑人居住在马来西亚、菲律宾和东南亚部分地区各民族中身材矮小的人
- Zlotkin D,Varma SK.Psychosocial effects of short stature[J]. Indian J Pediatr ...... 李瑞珍,马新瑜,杨少萍,等.;特发性矮小儿童73例抑郁情绪和个性特征[J]
- This article reviewed progress in research on structure, distribution, function, possible mechanism of action of SHOX gene in short stature. 近年来的研究发现矮小同源盒基因与矮小症的发病密切相关。
- Toledo capitalized on his dark,chiseled Indian features and short stature to mount a campaign replete with imagery of triumphant Inca emperors and with odes to Indian glory. 托莱多利用自己印第安人特有的黝黑的皮肤,轮廓分明的脸庞和不高的身材,向此次大选发起了冲击。他的竞选过程中处处充满了获胜的印加帝国国王的肖像,充满了颂扬印第安人荣耀的赞歌。
- Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome. Along with a rather short stature, he had a grotesque hunchback. 门德尔松是德国一个非常著名作曲家。
- Toledo capitalized on his dark, chiseled Indian features and short stature to mount a campaign replete with imagery of triumphant Inca emperors and with odes to Indian glory. 托莱多利用自己印第安人特有的黝黑的皮肤,轮廓分明的脸庞和不高的身材,向此次大选发起了冲击。 他的竞选过程中处处充满了获胜的印加帝国国王的肖像,充满了颂扬印第安人荣耀的赞歌。