- Isostatic gravity anomaly shows the character of middle - short wavelength, reflects unbalance of crust and upper mantle and dynamical character of substance adjusting. 均衡重力异常显示出中短波长特性,反映的是地壳上地幔物质分布的失衡和物质调整的动力学特征。
- Waves of long wavelength are diffracted more than those of short wavelength. 波长较长的波比波长较短的波易形成衍射。
- Matching algorithm is the key technique of gravity map matching which can improve the viability of underwater vehicle. 重力图匹配技术对提高水下载体的生存能力具有重要意义,而重力图匹配算法是该技术的核心。
- Gravity navigaton system have three elements: gravimeter, gravity map and the algorithm of matching localization of gravity. 重力导航系统有三个要素:导航用重力仪、导航用重力图和重力匹配定位算法。
- The evidence seemed inescapable that light consisted of electromagnetic waves of extremely short wavelength. 光是由波长极短的电磁波组成,这一事实看来已经证据确凿。
- It is shown that navigational errs will decrease 5-10 times by this matching algorithm, and localization error less than a grid on the gravity map. 仿真结果表明,本方法可以将惯性导航系统的定 位误差减小5-10 倍,并保证定位误差小于一个重力图网格。
- Because of their short wavelength, x-rays can pass through objects which are opaque to ordinary light. 由于X射线的波长短,它就能穿透一般光线所不能穿透的物体。
- MTCNQ Type Complex:A Novel Short Wavelength Rewritable Optical Storage Media[J]. 引用该论文 黄伍桥;吴谊群;顾冬红;干福熹.
- As the paper which emit more long or short wavelength light,there are usually no significant difference between blue and black ink on DV. 而印于色调靠近长波端和短波端的色纸,蓝墨与黑墨的差异无统计学意义。
- Azo dye is a new class of optical disc medium with high-density recording performance for its remarkable optical and thermal properties within short wavelength region. 偶氮染料在短波区由于具有优良的的光学和热学性质以及光致顺反异构性,既是一类新型高密度可录光盘存储介质,又是一类可望作为可擦写的光盘存储介质。
- When we use tapered structure four, we can get a narrow pass band at short wavelength region and its transmissivity is about forty percent. 渐变结构一能够大幅的提升光子晶体能隙宽度高达400%25左右。
- Static correction value can be separated into a long wavelength static cor-rection component and a short wavelength static correc-tion component according to spacial variation. 对所存在的静校正量值根据空间变化可分解为长波长静校正分量和短波长静校正分量。
- In the standard technique for microprocessor design, ultraviolet (short wavelength) light is used to expose a light-sensitive covering on the silicon chip. 在标准的技术中对于微处理器设计,紫外线的 ( 短波长) 光用来暴露在矽薄片上的一个光- 敏感的复盖。
- The radiance error could result in a large uncertainty of surface reflectance retrievals, especially for the short wavelength channel and the strongly absorbing aerosol. 该亮度误差可以引起地表反射率解存在大的不确定性,特别是对于短波通道和强吸收的气溶胶。
- The smaller pit size on a DVD means the laser beam used in a DVD player must have a shorter wavelength than that in a CD player. DvD上较小的凹坑意味着用于DVD播放器的激光束,必须具有比在CD播放器上更短的波长。
- Based on the investigations of Thomson scattring of moving electrons in the presence of oncoming electromagnetic radiation, two new schemes for obtaining short wavelength electromagnetic radiation have been discussed. 在系统研究运动电子对迎面而来的圆偏振激光脉冲的汤姆逊(Thomson)散射的基础上,讨论了获取超短波长电磁辐射的两种新方案。
- The absorption spectra of Chl was different between flag leaf and hull, the absorbance of the medium that contain Chl of hull was more strong than that of flag leaf in zone of short wavelength when the Chl concentration of medium was the same. 谷壳与旗叶相同叶绿素浓度提取液的光吸收光谱特性不同,在短波区谷壳叶绿素提取液的光吸 收明显比旗叶叶绿素的高;
- Special mirror for efficient illumination even at short wavelengths. 采用短波长也能有效照射的特殊镜子。
- As the Hawking photon gets nearer to the hole, it blueshifts to a higher frequency and correspondingly shorter wavelength. 随著霍金光子越来越靠近黑洞,它会蓝移到一个较高的频率与相对较短的波长。
- Blue light has a shorter wavelength and is refracted more than light with a longer wavelength such as red light. 蓝光由于波长较短,其被折射的幅度会比红光等较长波长的光为大。