- shop of a century rs standing “百年老店”
- The KMT is a shop of a century's standing. 国明党犹如百年老店。
- The KMT is a shop of a century's standing. If the shopkeeper himself wants it closed down,the customers cannot help in any way,can they? 百年老店,若是店东一心想关门,顾客也爱莫能助,是不是?
- The KMT is a shop of a century's standing. If the shopkeeper himself wants it closed down, the customers cannot help in any way, can they? 百年老店,若是店东一心想关门,顾客也爱莫能助,是不是?
- The trade, work, or shop of a currier. 制革业制革工的行业、工作或工场
- The commander of a century in the Roman army. 百夫长古罗马军团的百人队指挥官
- It was the start of a process which took a century. 争取选举权的漫长过程延续了loo年,这不过是起始的第一步。
- Celebrate the dawn of a century. 让我们庆贺新世纪的来临
- At the close of a century ideals are mixed. 而在这个世纪的末尾,理想是五花八门的。
- At the break of dawn of a century. 在新世纪曙光降临之际
- The notion of a Channel Tunnel first saw the light of day more than a century ago. 海峡隧道的构想在一百多年前就已提出。
- Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。
- After all, I had been gone for more than a quarter of a century. (第19章,227页)当我回到喀布尔时,我大致的感觉也是如此。
- Mr Turner had an urge to open a shop of his own. 特纳先生有一种强烈的愿望要开办自己的商店。
- You certainly can open a shop of your own. 还不够开个店啊。
- This gold and silver jewellery shop of a hundred years' standing is Best-known in Shanghai. all diamond rings and necklaces are handmade so that they are especially exquisite and highly polished. 这家金银首饰店是上海最有名的百年老店,钻戒项链全是手工制造,格外精致细巧,真可谓千锤百炼。
- He'd lost everything he'd saved in a quarter of a century. 他用了四分之一世纪积攒起来的家当全都完了。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The shop of a pawnbroker. 当铺开当铺者的店
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。