- The market was glutted with shoddy goods. 次货充斥市
- Shoddy goods imported from the Far East are held cheap by British importers. 从远东进口的劣质商品受到英国进口商的鄙视。
- I always complain about bad service or shoddy goods. 我时时抱怨服务不周、商品低劣。
- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers'complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了消费者的投诉。
- He urged you palm off all the shoddy goods immediately. 他让你赶紧把手中的次品都甩掉。
- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了 消费者的投诉.
- That is a trait of marketplace people who are selling shoddy goods. 这是市场上的人们卖伪劣商品的时候,会表现出来的特性。
- Be careful, Jane, not to be taken in by the bargain basement in that store. They sell only shoddy goods there. 珍妮,小心不要上了那家商店的廉价部的当,那里只卖次品。
- Be careful,Jane,not to be taken in by the bargain basement in that store. They sell only shoddy goods there. 珍妮,小心不要上了那家商店的廉价部的当,那里只卖次品。
- A great public awareness exists about the government's inability to wipe the shoddy goods out of the existing markets. 越来越多的社会大众意识到了政府无能在现在的市场上消灭假冒伪劣产品。
- Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods, pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished. 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、法传销和商业欺诈行为。
- If made in China becomes a byword for shoddy goods, the country's efforts to shift up the value chain would suffer. 如果中国制造成为假冒伪劣产品的代名词,那么,中国为提升价值链所做的努力就会付诸东流。
- In a market economy, people will inevitably arise to purchase counterfeit goods and shoddy goods. 在市场经济条件下,人们购买商品难免会遇到假冒伪劣商品。
- In theory, I should be ecstatic about all the choices available; I no longer have to put up with bad service or shoddy goods. 从理论上讲,我对能有这么多选择应该感到欣喜万分,我可以不再忍受低劣的服务和伪劣商品了。
- You need to be careful not to be taken in by the bargain basement in some stores. Very often they're full of shoddy goods. 你要当心,不要让人带到商店的廉价部去,那里常常摆的是劣质商品。
- Because of this protected market, the Indian people were being given shoddy goods and services at very high prices. Enterprise was stifled, and growth was crippled. 由于这样的保护性市场,印度人只能以高昂的价格获得低等的商品和服务,企业缺乏生机,经济增长陷入泥潭。
- McKinsey also debunked the widespread notion in India that Chinese companies benefited from export subsidies, artificially low capital costs, and produced shoddy goods. 麦肯锡还反驳了在印度广为流传的一个观点,即中国公司得益于出口补贴和人为压低的资本成本,而且生产劣质产品。
- We achieved initial success in overhauling and regulating market order. We dealt powerful blows to criminals engaging in illegal economic activities by investigating and prosecuting over 1.2 million cases of producing and marketing fake and shoddy goods. 整顿和规范市场经济秩序取得阶段性成果,仅对制假售假违法活动立案查处的就达120多万起,有力地打击了经济领域的违法犯罪分子。
- We should continue to focus on special areas and key links and crack down on the making and selling of counterfeit and shoddy goods and other illegal and criminal activities in accordance with the law. 继续抓好专项整治,突出重点,依法打击制假售假等违法犯罪行为。