- Choosing different ship aft stern tube bearing as the whole ship performance can increase the stability of the ship shafting system. 根据不同的船舶运行要求选择不同形式的艉管轴承,可以提高船舶轴系运行稳定性。
- Mesh generating was employed to display the feasible solution set of ship shafting system alignment in multi-dimension space. 本文在多维空间中,求出船舶轴系合理校中可行解集,并进行网格划分,结合挠度曲线和解在解集空间中的位置等因素,搜索出校中的解。
- ship shafting system 船舶轴系
- Optical aligned check for shaft system after boring. 轴系镗孔后光学校中检查。
- Firm shaft system ,compacted structure , easy installation .. 轴系紧固,结构紧密,安装简单。
- In this paper, ship shafting alignment was analyzed in detail by use of three-moment method. 针对某一具体船舶轴系,利用三弯矩法对其校中作了详细分析,给出轴系简化处理方法和实际参数。
- The intermediate bearing of one oil tanker with a WNSD7RTA62U main engine is fixed on the four places to simulate and evaluate effects of the ship shafting mechanical condition. 摘要本文以主机为WNSD7RTA62U的某油轮的轴系为对象,通过对比分析四种不同的中间轴承的布置方案,评价了中间轴承对船舶轴系力学状态的影响。
- In this article, the evolution of the propulsion shafting system is based on the history of the Rules of the Classification Societies. 本文将针对历年来船级学会对于轴程计算之规定,加以整理并以实例计算,来探讨船舶堆进轴系演化的问题。
- Mott, I.K. and Fleeting,R., “Design Aspect of Marine Propulsion Shafting System”, The Institute of Marine Enginneers, June,1967. “商船机关部轴系标准之解说”,关西造船协会造机研究委员会编,海文堂。
- Inspecting centerline positioning for shaft system and rudder system before boring. 轴、舵系镗孔前中心线定位检查。
- In this paper the torsional vibration problems of the propulsion shaft system of the underwater craft were discussed. 主要讨论以摆盘式活塞发动机作为其主机的某水下航行装置推进轴系的扭转振动问题。
- The calculation of shafting system has many items and the work quantity isvery large.It often makes manhandle calculation formerly, so the calculation efficientis fairly low. 轴系计算的项目较多,计算工作量较大,以前主要采用手工计算,效率也比较低。
- Our injection products have small caliber types such as POM, PVC, used in flexible drive shaft system of window regulator, and approved by volks wagon. 我们的挤出产品包括POM、pvc等小口径产品,用于汽车玻璃升降器软轴系统,产品得到德国大众的认可。
- Our injection products have small caliber types such as POM,PVC,used in flexible drive shaft system of window regulator,and approved by volks wagon. 我们的挤出产品包括POM、PVC等小口径产品,用于汽车玻璃升降器软轴系统,产品得到德国大众的认可。
- Yu Daren, Bao Wen, Xu jiyu.The effect of pressure oscillation on torsional oscillation of turboset shaft system[J].Power Engineering,1995, 15(6): 1-5. [15]于达仁;鲍文;徐基豫.;快关调节阀中蒸汽压力脉动对轴系扭矩的影响[J]
- Shipping shaft system 船舶轴系
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- Based on the faulty signals collected from our rotor test rig, the grey correlation analysis was studied for vibration fault diagnose of steam turbine shaft system. 摘要以汽轮机轴系典型振动故障模拟试验为基础,利用灰关联分析理论对汽轮机轴系振动故障的识别进行了研究。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。