- It is convenient for the ship security officer to contact me and get my support. 船舶的保安员可以很方便的联络到我,并能从我这里取得必要的支持。
- I have contacted the ship security officer. We have agreed upon the security measures during the ship's operation in the port. 我已经和船舶保安员联络过。我们已经就船舶在港装卸期间的保安措施做了一些具体的安排。
- The accomplishment of ship security measures has a far-reaching influence on the enhancement of ship safety management level. 船舶保安措施的落实,对提高船舶安全管理水平具有深远的影响。
- The quality of container stowage plan has a direct effect on ship security and efficiency of terminal loading and uploading operation. 配载计划质量的高低直接影响船舶的安全性能和码头装卸作业的效率。
- This three-day training course will provide company and ship security officers with the training necessary to meet their obligations under the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) Code. 此项为期三天的培训课程将为公司保安员(CSO)和船舶保安员(SSO)提供《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(ISPS规则)中规定的各项职责的培训。
- In consideration of the technical requests of SSAS(ship security alert system) the IMO put forward and economy and reliability,the SSAS can be composed of a alert machine added to the ship and the Inmarsat-C equipment the ship already has,ect. 基于国际海事组织提出的船舶保安警报系统(SSAS)的可行性方案,兼顾经济性及可靠性,通过在船上加装警报器主机,并利用船舶已有的Inmarsat-C船站设备等,共同组成船舶保安警报系统。
- This paper talks about the responsibility of the captain and SSO on Ship Security after this Code being put out,and it may be useful to the research and applications of Ship Security for the future. 文章分析了船长在执行安全管理体系中的突出作用,并就航运公司如何提升船长在安全管理体系方面的执行力提出了建议。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- Name and Occupation of Ship Security Officer 船舶保安员姓名和职务
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- ISSC International Ship Security Certificate 国际船舶保安证书
- A plan for the ship security alarm system 船舶保安报警系统方案
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- I'll undertake for your security. 我将保证你的安全。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 这条船在浮标的左边。
- In the old society we never knew real security. 在旧社会我们的生活从来没有真正的保障。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。