- ship machine room fire 机舱火灾
- When you've suited up, come into the machine room. 穿好工作服到机房来。
- Only when you've suited up,can you come into the machine room. 只有换上工作服,你才能进入机房。
- According to the results of the numerical simulation, the methods of the ship engine - room fire prevention and extinguishing technology are put forward in the paper. 根据对舰船机舱火灾蔓延与水雾灭火过程的数值模拟研究结果,本文提出了舰船机舱火灾防治技术设计的相关内容与方法。
- Cylinder head cover: Is suitable uses in the elegant Maha ship machine. 气缸盖罩:适用于雅玛哈船用机.;。
- Through interphone , service personnel in the car and in the machine room are allowed to speak each other. 通过对讲机,可实现轿内人员与电梯机房人员通话。
- Remote machine room monitoring device contains sensor, A/D convertor, SCM, LCD and MOXA Ethernet gateway. 远程机房监测装置由传感器、A/D转换、单片机、液晶显示器和MOXA以太网关组成。
- The history is that Binns was so old that one morning, upon waking up in front of the staff room fire, he simply went off to class, leaving his body behind. 宾斯的岁数太大了,以至于一个早上,当他从教员休息室的壁炉前起来准备去上课的时候,忘记了带上自己的身体。
- Next to that, a chemist\'s laboratory, followed by a storeroom and a secondary machine room. 然后,他又勾勒出了化学实验室,仓库和第二个生产车间。
- Using wood cribs as fuel for three different fire load conditions, single room and double room fire tests were executed under different window and door opening conditions. 以木材为燃料,在不同之窗开口及门开口情况下进行以不同火载量设定之单间居室与双间居室火灾试验。
- Through interphone passengers in the car can speak to personnel in machine room and in building service center. 通过对讲机,可使轿内乘客于电梯机房、大楼管理中心人员通话。
- Answer 6: Parcel housing is comprised of parcel room, bill room, loading machine room, rest room and office. 答:青岛新客站办理行包业务。
- The paper analyzes the issues of resisting the inductive thunderbolt at provincial hydrologic information center machine room, puts forward the solving measure. 摘要文章分析省水情中心机房防感应雷存在的问题,提出防雷措施。
- Points out the key issues in noise control including the arrangement of sound absorber. noise transmission from machine room and duct and noise superposition. 摘要指出了全空气空调系统噪声控制应注意的几个问题,如消声器设置、空调机房及风管传声、噪声叠加等。
- After about an hour of collecting a batch of jobs, the tape was rewound and brought into the machine room, where it was mounted on a tape drive. 在大约半个小时收集一批任务后,磁带会被带到装载有磁带机的机房。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- Figure 5.7 Click here to view all news picture 5. above the main machine is placed above the machine from the headlamp, also allow people on the machine room. 图5.;7点击此处查察全部故事图片5
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- Comply to the industrial request: from the small wiring workshop to large center machine room, the product can supply more safety and trusty for IT equipment. 符合工业需求.;从小型配线间到大型中心机房;本产品都能为IT设备提供更安全可靠的存储环境
- OK,I'll start from here. The feedwater coming from machine room enters the economizer at the bottom of the rear pass and then goes through this exchanger to the drum. 好吧,从这儿开始。从汽机房来的给水线进入后烟道底部的省煤器,再经过这个交换器进入汽包。