- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- ship life span 船舶寿命
- Normal cells show a finite life span. 正常细胞显示有限的生命期。
- Modern medicine has increased man rs life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- The estimated life span is to predict the average. 估计寿命是预计一个人能活的平均年数。
- How Much Can Human Life Span Be Extended? 人类的寿命能延长到多久?
- Narwhals maximum life span is about 50 years. (寿命:独角鲸的最大寿命大约为50年。)
- Eating more fruit can extend your life span. 多吃水果能延年益寿。
- How many days can the ship live in this wild sea? 在这波涛汹涌的大海里,这艘船能维持几天?
- The average life span for the nominee group was just over 76 years. 提名者小组的平均寿命略高于76岁。
- At one time, the human species had a 2000-year life span. 曾有一段时期,人类物种拥有2000年(人类年)的寿命。
- LIFE SPAN Narwhals maximum life span is about 50 years. 寿命:独角鲸的最大寿命大约为50年。
- Any battery has a finite life span no matter what device it powers. 任何电池都具有有限的寿命,无论它具有多大的能量。
- The upper bound of life span for the solution was obtained. 得到了解的爆破时间跨度的上界。
- But two copies doom the bearer to pain and a shortened life span. 但同时带有两个突变的基因,却会让个体疼痛并且寿命减短。
- A typical life span for Sumatran orangutans is 40 to 50 years. 苏门答腊猩猩的平均寿命在40到50岁。
- The average dollar bill has a life span of about 18-22 months. 美元纸币的平均寿命是大约18-22个月。
- Just like the groups of heroes the goshawk hovers the sky, the brave fighter howls the wooded mountain, the water is this ship life stage. 正如苍鹰翱翔天空,猛虎呼啸山林,水才是这艘船生命的舞台。
- The life span of the people of Ningxia has increased to 69 from 30 before 1949. 宁夏人均寿命由1949年前的只有30岁左右,增加到目前的69岁。
- The structure of the multi layers and cross information share in the dynamic alliance for the ship life cycle information based on two data grid service centers and the fl... 已开发的原型系统实现了两个数据网格服务中心的信息共享,并用实例验证了用灰色聚类算法来发现某设备的故障规律可行性。