- The ship set out on a long voyage. 那艘船出发进行长途航行。
- The sailors hoistedthe flag and the ship was ready to start on a long voyage. 水手们升起船上的旗子,轮船准备好出发远航。
- The sailors hoisted the flag and the ship was ready to start on a long voyage. "水手们升起船上的旗子,轮船准备好出发远航。"
- The sailors got away from the wrecked ship on a raft. 水手们乘救生筏离开失事的船。
- Many people get away from the wrecked ship on a raft. 许多人乘救生艇离开遇难的船。
- The old man leant on a long wooden staff. 老人拄著一根长长的木手杖。
- The captain shook down his new ship on a voyage to the Mediterranean Sea. 船长把新船驶往地中海进行试航。
- They escaped from the wrecked ship on a raft. 他们驾着救生艇逃离遇难的船。
- A storm grounded the ship on a sandbar. 一场风暴使船搁浅在沙洲上。
- The hostess set the meal out on a long table. 女主人把饭菜放在一个长桌子上。
- Her purse swings from her shoulder on a long strap. 长皮带的钱包从她肩上垂下。
- A long thick growth of hair on a person's head. 长而密的头发人头上长的长而密的头发
- Next week the captain will shake down his new ship on a voyage to the Mediterranean Sea. 下周船长要将他的新船开到地中海去试航。
- She escaped her family and shipped on a voyage to Australia. 她逃离家庭,在一趟驶往澳洲的船上工作。
- Tom decided to put his money on a long shot. 汤姆决定把钱投在一种风险很大的事业上。
- Years ago he took this ship on a business trip to New York. 多年前,他乘此船到纽约去办事了。
- Go take a long walk on a short pier. 去跳海吧!
- They went on a long train journey across India. 他们乘火车作了一次横跨印度的长途旅行。
- They went on a long train journey. 他们乘火车出远门了。
- On a long and lonesome highway, east of omaha. 在奥马哈东边一条漫长而幽静高速公路上。