- Disable a previous shift up or shift down. 禁用前一个大写转换或小写转换。
- We must shift up a gear now,” Mr Spidla said. 我们必须现在就开始加速解决这一问题。”
- The tablet press is in set up mode. 压片设定模式。
- The tablet press is running in set up mode. 压片按设定模式运行。
- Switch the tablet press from production to set up mode. 压片开关设定到生产模式。
- If driving a car with a manual transmission,shift up early and shift down late! 如果开的是手动档的车,早点换快挡,晚点换慢挡!
- If made in China becomes a byword for shoddy goods, the country's efforts to shift up the value chain would suffer. 如果中国制造成为假冒伪劣产品的代名词,那么,中国为提升价值链所做的努力就会付诸东流。
- You may notice the el strobe shifting up and down. 你会发现俯仰角标记会忽上忽下,这种上下移动称为“光栅扫描”。
- The tablet press must be operational in set up mode and set up in such a way that tablets can be produced. 压片必须按设定的模式运行生产。
- Boeing wants to use existing wing and tail control surfaces that shift up and down about 20 degrees in a coordinated fashion to disrupt the vortical flow. 波音公司则利用现成的机翼与机尾控制面,让它们互相协调、上下移动20度,以扰乱涡流。
- Blow up Mode: Shout and holler, bullet-spitting, unselective in words, teeth gritting, insinuating other’s faults. 愤怒式的生气:大吼大叫、口不择言、咬牙切齿、指桑骂槐。
- The tablet press is running in set up mode and the compaction force of the prepared punch is still lying outside the tolerance limit plus. 片剂按设定模式运行,标记冲杆压力在正公差之外。
- Shift up when you reach 30 mph. 车速达到每小时30英里时要换高挡.
- Methods Under linear scale up mode, overlapping separation range map was used to optimize the composition of mobile phase. 方法在线性放大模式下,使用重叠分辨图法对流动相组成进行优化调节。
- Conclusion The results show that this method is simple and effective to improve the efficiency of preparative HPLC under linear scale up mode. 结论在线性放大模式下,重叠分辨图法是一种有效的优化流动相比例的方法。
- The trip principle,setting up mode,perfermance characteristics,affecting factors,and applications of polymer based PTC overcurrent protectors are introduced in this paper. 介绍了高分子基PTC过电流保护元件的动作原理、安装方式、性能特点、影响因素及应用领域。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- An hour later they came off the night shift. 一个钟头之后他们下夜班了。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。