- shift left single logical 逻辑单式移
- A program application that may consist of several steps but is performed as a single logical unit. 作业一种程序应用,可能包括好几个步骤,但作为一个单一的逻辑单位实施
- PLC uses arithmetic shift left @ASL instruction and arithmetic shift right @ASR to control three motors completion. PLC应用微分算术左移 ASL ( 2 5 )指令和微分算术右移 ASR ( 2 6)指令 ;完成对3台电机的控制 .
- A single logical palette is associated with the device, and is shared by all texture stages. 只有一个逻辑调色板与设备相关联,所有的纹理贴图层都共享它。
- Often, gateways may be combined with business functions into a single logical entity. 通常,网关可与业务功能合成为一个逻辑实体。
- A transaction is a sequence of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. 事务是作为单个逻辑工作单元执行的一系列操作。
- A deployment diagram contains references to a single system definition and a single logical datacenter definition. 部署关系图包含对单个系统定义和单个逻辑数据中心定义的引用。
- In a telephony network a hunt group is defined as a set of extension numbers that are grouped as a single logical unit. 在电话网络中,智能寻线定义为组合成一个逻辑单元的一组分机号码。
- The broker is a single logical element which when implemented might be deployed on many processors within a network. 代理是一个单独的逻辑元素,实施的时候可能会将其部署到网络内的多个处理器上。
- If the array elements are strings, they are concatenated virtually into a single logical string. 如果数组中的元素是字符串,那么它们就被虚拟地连接成一个单独的逻辑字符串。
- A main service domain establishes itself as a single logical image of a virtual service made up of multiple service instances. 主服务域将自身建立为由多个服务实例组成的虚拟服务的单个逻辑映像。
- ASL Shift Left One Bit (Memory or Accumulator) 左移一个位(内存或者累加器)
- shift left and count instruction 左移与计数指令
- Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single 制表符下双和左单
- Each disk is logically partitioned in such a way that a "stripe" runs across all the disks in the array to create a single logical partition. 每个磁盘在逻辑上被分割为多个“条带”,每个“条带”穿过阵列中的所有磁盘,从而创建一个逻辑分区。
- An hour later they came off the night shift. 一个钟头之后他们下夜班了。
- logical shift left 逻辑左移
- He left his job largely because he was homesick. 他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- She got her spunk up and left the country. 她一怒之下离开了这个国家。