- Our big guns have been hammering away at the enemy positions. 我们的大炮已向敌人的阵地发起连续轰击。
- The soldiers began shooting away at the enemy positions. 战士们开始不断地向敌人的阵地射击。
- Our bombers zeroed in on the enemy positions. 我们的轰炸机飞进了目标中心敌人的阵地上。
- Shells rained on the enemy positions. 炮弹雨点般地落在敌军阵地上。
- shell the enemy positions 炮击敌人阵地.
- Our regiment spring a surprise attack on the enemy position. 我团对敌人的阵地发动了一次突击。
- At a last effort, the general called down heavy bombing on the enemy position. 将军作最后一次努力,下令猛烈轰炸敌军阵地。
- They assaulted the enemy position. 他们向敌人阵地发起冲击。
- The 5th Regiment bore down on the enemy positions. 第五团向敌人阵地压过去。
- The scouts infiltrated into the enemy positions. 侦察兵渗透到敌人阵地后面去了。
- They attacked the enemy positions at dawn. 黎明时分,他们向敌军阵地发起进攻。
- Shells rained on the enemy position. 炮弹像雨点般落在敌军阵地上。
- They were shelling the enemy's trenches. 他们正在炮击敌人的战壕。
- Our regiment sprang a surprise attack on the enemy position. 我团对敌人的阵地发动了一次突击。
- All day long the guns were pounding away at the enemy positions. 大炮整天向敌军阵地轰击。
- They raided the enemy positions with lightningspeed. 他们以闪电般的速度袭击了敌军阵地。
- They repeatedly dove and added their bombs to the enemy positions. 他们轮番俯冲轰炸敌阵地。
- We took the enemy positions by surprise at midnight. 我们半夜里对敌军阵地进行了突然袭击。
- They made several counter attacks on the enemy positions. 他们向敌方实施了几次反击。
- They fired rockets at the enemy position. 他们向敌军阵地发射了火箭。