- Barnacles trap tiny particles of food with their cirri, feathery retractable organs that emerge from openings between the shell plates. 由蔓足(胸肢变化而成,顶端弯曲,形如瓜蔓,可伸出壳外)捕食微小的食物颗粒。
- Sea Solution is a CAD system for shipbuilding. Sea Solution is a comfortable tool for geometrical simulation and design, especially for fairing lines and shell plates development. 是一个CAD系统的造船业。解海是一个舒适的工具进行几何模拟和设计,特别是为顺线和壳板的发展。
- The shell plating in way was seriously corroded and densely pitted. 如:该处船壳板严重腐蚀并密集着锈斑。
- Based on Build up the ball slice data model,a new method is proposed to the shell plate descends to launch a simulation method. 通过建立球片数据模型,总结出一种较为新颖的球壳板展开方法,以建立成型球片与原料钢板之间的对应关系。
- Before delivering the ship to the owner, how do you paint the shell plating? 交船前怎样对船体外板进行油漆?
- The paint on the shell plating newly scraped in extension to the stern. 如:船壳板上的油漆在原擦去处又新擦去至船尾。
- Based on experiment and collection of the spheroid container ball slice to model data,a new method is proposed to the shell plate and descends to anticipate using one calculation method. 通过实验并采集球形容器球瓣片成型数据,总结出了一种较为新颖的球壳板一次下料展开计算方法。
- The U-shaped ring of the inner side shell plate of the boiler, opposite the burner, was found to have 5 penetrating cracks, and the cracks were chiseled out with V groove and then covered by welding. 立式燃油辅锅炉炉胆下部弯边处在燃烧器对面发现穿透性裂纹五条,此次挖V型槽后用电焊焊妥。
- Based on build up the ball slice data model,a new method is proposed to the shell plate descends to launch a simulation method.The method is simple in design and convenient in manufacture. 通过建立球片数据模型,总结出一种较为新颖的球壳板展开仿真方法,以建立成型球片与原料钢板之间的对应关系。
- The torpedo hit tore a hole 10 meter long and 6 meter high in the shell plating and caused 5 dead. 鱼雷在她的装甲板上撕开了一个10米长6米高的大洞,并造成5名水兵死亡。
- The port &std side shell plating amidships was discovered to have obvious signs of being repaired. 船舯部左、右船壳板发现有明显的修理痕迹。
- The weld seam for connecting the bilge keel with the shell plating broken at two places about 350mm &130mm in length respectively. 舭龙骨与船壳板的焊缝裂开二处长度分别约为350毫米和130毫米。
- The undersigned consulting surveyor carefully carried out a visual inspection to the ship's shell plating, and no apparent sign of collision was found. 下列署名的咨询验船师仔细地对该轮船壳板进行了外观检查,发现无明显的碰撞痕迹。
- The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates. 犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。
- The plates and bowls have a gilt edge. 这些盘子和碗镀有金边。
- The ship's shell plating was broken during loading in bad weather due to the collision with the large steel barges, laden with logs, staying alongside the port side of the ship. 船壳板破裂的原因是由于该轮在装货过程中停靠在该轮左舷舷旁的装有原木的驳船,由于坏天气,发生碰撞所致。
- Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets? 我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗?
- The paint on the port &std side shell plating bet.Nos.1 &3 cargo holds and bet. draft scales of 5m &8m was rubbed off at numerous places in scattering and irregular manner. 第一和第三货舱间以及吃水标志5-8米间的左、右舷船壳板上的油漆被多处分散、不规则地擦去。
- She put some plates in the sideboard. 她往餐具柜里放了些盘子。
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 这些盘子是用一种塑料制造的。