- The hot tears spattered out of her eyes. 热泪从她的眼中洒落了下来。
- The hot tears welled up in her eyes. 热泪涌上她的眼眶。
- The hot tear swelled up in her eyes. 热泪涌上她的眼眶。
- In Hainan, banana happy event reaps a bumper harvest, face accumulation to become banana cannot move like hill, laborious broadleaf plant farming people shed sad hot tear. 在海南,香蕉喜获丰收,面对堆积成小山似的香蕉无法出手,勤劳的蕉农们流下了伤心的热泪。
- The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye. 他那双豪爽的红褐色眼睛里,不是也常常热泪盈眶么?
- The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye . 他那双豪爽的红褐色眼睛里,不是也常常热泪盈眶么?
- Your hair flows as the snow falls Scattering away hot tears Who, in my wait, has advanced in years? 你发如雪纷飞了眼泪我等待苍老了谁?
- Chips was rent between the impulse to laugh wildly and a bitterness that threatened hot tears. 钱在使人狂笑的冲动和预示热泪盈眶的苦涩之间被撕得粉碎。
- Standing blankly under the sotto portico, I opened my eyes slowly. My eyes glistened with hot tears. 我缓缓睁开眼,茫然站在骑楼下,眼里裹着滚烫的泪水。
- I slowly opened my eyes, being perplexed under the portico, and hot tears were inside my eyes. 我缓缓睁开眼,茫然站在骑楼下,眼里裹着滚烫的泪水。
- Two paces shy of her secret place, hot tears of rage and grief burst forth, blinding her. 离她的秘密之处只有两步远时,愤怒和悲痛的热泪盈眶而出,模糊了她的双眼。
- She shed crocodile tear over his death. 她为他的死而假哭了一场。
- Low expansion resin is, prevents from casting defects, especially veining and hot tear caused from thermal expansion. 低膨胀树脂对解决铸造缺陷,特别是对毛刺、热裂尤为有效。
- If we don't meet each other, I can not taste loneness and worry. Some kinds of touching, accompany hot tear to sleep. 假如人生不曾相遇,我不能深刻的体会孤独和忧伤,有着莫名的感动,激荡着热泪盈眶的心情入眠。
- He felt the hot tears wet his neck and the hollows of his neck, and he remained motionless, suspended through one of man's eternities. 他感觉到他的脖子被她的泪水打湿了,他没有动,沉浸在这种短暂的永恒当中。
- It's a pity that the boy shed tears on his best coat. 那男孩的眼泪淌在了他最好的外套上,真可惜。
- If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。
- Hot tears pour down his face. 热泪流下他的脸颊。
- The snow has banked up against the shed. 雪在小屋旁聚积起来。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。